She got closer to see non-other Than Li Cheng holding hands with a strange girl. As she stood watching them she felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest.

They had already been broken up for a few days and here he was having such a jolly time after breaking her heart without regrets. Even with their long history, he didn't even bother to call and explain.

She felt tears rolling down her face as she stood with a stiff face with her hands balled up at her side.

"Miss please take a seat," a soft voice said.

She turned to her side to see a beautiful waitress smiling next to her. Funny enough it was exactly at the moment that she felt a heated stare from Li Cheng's direction.

"Alright I just want to talk to a friend" she replied wiping the tears from her eyes with a sad smile.

The smiling waitress nodded and walked away. She turned around and looked straight at Li Cheng, at least he was smart enough to look surprised than worried.

The girl must have noticed his distraction turned at followed his gaze to Bai Zhenzhen. It was at that moment that recognized the girl to be none other than

Lu Yingtai, an actress and their College classmate. She had always had a thing for him but he never paid her any attention even when she tried to get him by throwing money on him.

Four months ago when Li Cheng had gone to S city for a photoshoot a fan had uploaded a photograph of the two of them having dinner on two occasions.

When she saw the pictures online she had been so angry and called Li Cheng for an explanation but he told her that it was nothing. Just two classmates and colleagues having a meal.

So she dismissed her suspicion. See them no it would seem that they'd been together since then, no wonder he had been in such a hurry to end it with her without any explanation. With a scoff, she walked over to the table and picking up the glass of drink poured it into Li Cheng's face.

She had been too angry to check what it was, seeing that it was wine she was very pleased. It'll be difficult getting it out of the white Shirt, that they had bought together.

"You pig, how could you do that and for her of all people" she screamed pulling her hair to her back

. "Zhen_ Zhenzhen I can explain," He said standing.

"You spineless fool, You were too scared to tell me the truth back then so you lied to me. Just two classmates having dinner huh. How long has this been going on, tell me six months, a year tell me" she poking him on the shoulder with her hands?

"You can't talk now. You are disgusting, I must have been blind giving you a chance. I asked you Li Cheng how long has this been going on" She shouted.

"Two years so what are you going to do. Did you honestly think you could keep him for long when you were if no use to him just a washed-up actress? Lu Yingtai shouted.

"You must be overjoyed. You finally have him after five years of trying. You pathetic little spoiled brat always throwing daddy's money around. You can have my worn-out shoe I didn't want him anymore" Zhenzhen said and turned to walk away.

When her hair was pulled back and she was pushed to the side with force.

"Ahh" Zhenzhen screamed as she fell closing her eyes.

When she felt a hand grab her and being pulled into a man's chest. after a few minutes, she stepped back and looked up to find that it was none other than the Angelic Faced stranger

"It's you," she said feeling self-conscious.

"Let's go," he said holding her in his hands and walking out of the restaurant and into his car a sleek black foreign car.

"Thanks for getting me out of there," She said after taking two spoons of her strawberry ice cream. He'd driven them to an Ice Cream shop close to the beach with a good view of the sea.

"Your welcome," He said taking a sip of his mango ice cream.

"I need this. It's been a while since I just went out and relaxed" She said turning and smiling up at him.

"If you like I can take you out anytime you feel down" He replied. "Really," She said.

"Yes, they say that when you meet a person by accident three-time it's destiny". he said placing her hands in his.

"Then let's do that. We've met three times already but haven't gotten each other's names. am Zhenzhen Bai Zhenzhen" she said

"am Jianyu Zhou Jianyu," He said.

"a beautiful name for a beautiful man" She replied. "Oh my, are you blushing,," Zhenzhen said laughing?.

"It's good to see you laugh that means you're getting back to normal," he said holding her eyes.

"I guess I am," she said.

"Zhenzhen let's date," He said. She looked up quickly

"I just got out of a seven-year relationship. Do you want to do this" she said.

"Yes, I do. I'm a businessman Zhenzhen. I am used to taking risks. The truth of the matter is I like you Zhenzhen. After years of experience, I've learned that when you like someone you make a move before you lose them. So am asking you to take a risk with me. Don't worry we will take it slow" he said squeezing her hands.

She didn't know how to digest everything that was happening but after some thought, she decided to take a risk. She had always lived her life by being careful and here she was heartbroken and rejected. So she'll take a risk and see how that went.

"Okay, She replied.

"Let me have your contact," He said bringing out his phone.

"let me add you on We chat," she said after putting in each other.

"What time is it," She said after some time.

"7:30 pm why do you have to be somewhere,," He said.

"Yes, I have a scene to shoot at 9 pm. Da Xia must be so worried. She's my assistant, She was placing our orders while I wait" She said.

"then let's get going, I'll give you a ride there. Where are you shooting" He said standing and picking up his coat placed it on her shoulder?

"We're shooting at H studios. I play a small part though not so small considering I have a lot of scenes but not as much as the Main cast" she said as they walked out into the parking lot.

"it doesn't matter, I think you would be wonderful in any role you play," He said making her blush. They walked up to his car and after getting in. He drove her back to H studios.