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“How was your flight, ladies?” Jo asked Rose and Eva, who was happily waving to her. She didn’t give a shit about it. She had to get rid of them as quickly as possible; she had to take her luggage home and go to work.

She was sure that if she would engage herself in discussions with them, they wouldn't finish until the end of the day. ‘What a headache! Who else do I have to avoid, today?’ She wondered.

“The trip was fine!” Eva said enthusiastically. “Jo, would like to join us for lunch?”

“Thank you, ladies. I wish I could, but I still have to go to work today.”

“What about having coffee with us?” Rose insisted. “My brother is waiting in the arrival hall, he will be happy to meet you.”

‘Damn! What a day! She was quite close to her good-looking brother. Who else?’ Thoughts swirled in Jo’s head. ‘Is this not the end of all these coincidences for one day? And I thought the limit ran out early in the morning.’