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“I would prefer if we could stay more formal, Mr Kelly.” She said coldly.

“Child, I am your uncle and you can’t change that fact.”

“I prefer it if nobody knows about it.”

“I respect your opinion, child, but at least you could visit me sometimes.” Mr Kelly said. After a moment of hesitation, he continued. “In secret, of course, if that is so important to you. I guess it's normal to miss you and your sister. Although, I see Patrick here sometimes.”

“So you have him and his brother around. Is it not enough?”

“Did you forget that Sam ran away?” He looked at her wondering how much of it had her efforts in it. All of them were so close. “Besides, Patrick treats me like some kind of plague.”

“You deserve it Mr Kelly.”

“I didn’t choose to be famous. I had no control over that, kiddo.”

“I am not talking about this shit called fame, Mr Kelly.” Jo said harshly.

“Me and your mum… We were always friends. Nothing more.”

“Oh… Really? Why don't I believe you?”