Eternal Winters

"Jiro... You finally came. I was so worried about you." Jiro's lips trembled in shock when he was met not with fear or anger but with open arms.

He didn't know how to react when he felt Yuki's hands tighten around him. He was so confused as to how this could be possible. Was this a trick by the enemy?

He would not have believed the honesty of her sentiments if not for the fact that his shirt was soaked from her tears.

Jiro placed his hand on top of Yuki's hair as he savored the moment and asked, "What has happened, Yuki?"

"I woke up in this strange land, and all I can remember before that is being with you in the gardens. These people, they are trying to help me find you," Yuki tried to explain in between her sobs.

Jiro smiled. He had been getting worried over nothing. He now had Yuki in the palm of his hands. "My dear, these people. They are trying to kill me. They have invaded our lands, killed both our fathers, and separated you from me."