Book 5: Her Deception

"Hey," Cross, a white-haired teenager of sixteen sat beside me and disturbed my much-needed peace.

"Hey, Cross," I said, tapping the space beside me.

She sat down from across me, her white gorgeous short hair gently caressed by the night air.

"You didn't eat much. I know Fries' cooking is terrible, but you should at least have tried," she said. Letting me know exactly what she was thinking.

Cross has always been like this, never sugar-coating her words, and telling me when I'm wrong.

"It's funny you know, the king was alive, even after your encounter with him," Cross said, her beautiful blue eyes stared right through me.

"They might have found the antidote," I told her, trying to regain my composure.

"Hah, that was one of your new recipes, so if you think about it, it doesn't make sense they can have a cure for a poison they have never even encountered," Cross said, her displeasure was in her voice.