Although it seems strange to enter a completely red world, it is even stranger to see who inhabits that place. There were several little creatures that were less than three feet tall, with big green eyes, sharp teeth and claws. They stared at us, but didn't pose a threat, so much so that they just looked at me and Rudá and ignored us, just as bad. We found out that this is the home of the Caiporas, they are entities that protect animals and the forest. They are small and pretty ugly creatures, but I thought they were cute.
We walk to their master's house, she is really scary, I kick two meters high, green cat eyes, pointy ears, sharp teeth and nails. Unlike the green-skinned fluffy ones, that woman has a completely red skin, a huge boar rested beside her while she was playing checkers with a fluffy Caipora, the woman lost and at the time of her tantrum, she noticed our presence.