
Teju's death

When the day came, we packed our things, Icaro had already separated some important things a few days ago, most things are medicinal, we put our legs to work, we were going to walk for a while. The Parajas said goodbye to us, they gave us their blessings and a map and here we go to our mission. Killing Teju was being quite a challenge, a four-meter tall monster god, a wonder of nature, no doubt about it. I just wanted to understand why he was that way.

Ícaro and Eduardo didn't talk to each other the entire trip, I wonder if something happened, I wasn't going to be nosy, I would die of curiosity, but I wouldn't ask. When we arrived at a lake, we rested a bit, I looked at the map and as far as I know, maybe we are lost, Icarus denied saying that I was reading the right map, thank you geographical. We spent about three days walking, I didn't think it would take so long to get to Teju.