Chapter 26

I frowned. "Of course I am. I came all the way here didn't I?"

He leaned closer, pressing our chests together. "Yes. But you're still not comfortable with touching another man's penis"

"I'll touch it if it's yours" I blurted out and damn. I wanted to slap my face. I must sound desperate.

He smirked. "Really?"

Despite my embarrassment, I nodded. I really wanted to touch him. I want to know what he would feel like under my fingers. If he would cum from my touch. Besides, he was already hard and leaking. I could feel a small wet patch on my thigh.

Ryu leaned in and sucked my lower lip into his mouth, nibbling on it a bit. "Now I know why girls are all over you. You taste so good"

I blushed hard. Damn why was he saying such things? "Let me touch you too. I really want to do it"

He looked at my face, searching for any signs of discomfort. He must have seen there was none so he took off his boxers. My eyes went as wide as saucers.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!!

Ryu was BIG.

He must be a full 10 inches! Rock hard throbbing dick!

"You don't have to do it you know" he said, snapping me out of my daze and I instantly went on my knees, taking his hard shaft in my hands. I felt it twitch. It was incredible.

He moved us to a more comfortable position. He sat down then pulled me onto his lap. It felt foreign for I was naked, straddling him. His thick dick standing at full mast between us.

He caught my chin and pulled my face so I could look at him. Damn have I mentioned just how beautiful Ryu is? His dark long locks clung to his skin due to sweat. His dark eyes were sparkling, his lips pink and moist. I felt the urge to kiss him again.

"Go on. I'll guide you" he encouraged me and that's how I found myself giving my first ever handjob.

The skin of his penis felt amazing. It was hot, silky smooth and I could feel the veins around the turgid flesh. I spread his cum around the shaft like he did for me then I started to slowly pump him, occasionally squeezing the tip and fondling his balls. It was when he stared to breath faster and groan that I knew it was working.

I went fast, using both my hands but they could not cover the entire dick. I did my best though, working him out the way he did for me. I copied the movements of his fingers, gliding them over his shaft.

Ryu gropped my ass when his dick twitched. The look on his face was indescribable. Pure pleasure was written all over it. I couldn't believe I was really doing a good job. I went even faster and he held my ass tighter. Warm hands covering both ass cheeks, kneading and squeezing. It felt nice.

"Oh fuck" he moaned out loud. I felt proud. So so proud. "That's good. Keep going. Just like that"

Cum oozed out the slit and I found myself licking my lips. How does it really taste? He kept saying I taste good. Does cum taste good in general? I wanted to know. Before I knew it, my tongue was on the slit.

"Oh shit Aito no!" Ryu shouted. "I'm gonn-"

It was too late. Hot cum burst into my open mouth and all over my face. Spurts of thick milky liquid flowed out. I was shocked but it didn't stop me from stroking him till the last drop oozed out.

My mouth hung open from shock. I wanted just a taste. A little drop but I ended up getting jizzed in the mouth.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I'll go get some tissues" Ryu said, wanting to move but I squeezed his waist with my knees and looked at him. Only then did I let myself taste him.

Salty was the first word that came to my mind. Hot, salty but also... sweet. It was vague but present. I realized that it wasn't so bad.

Ryu was breathing hard, chest rising and falling rapidly but he also smiled proudly. "That was amazing Aito" he praised. I blushed hard. I've never blushed so much in my life.

Even though my face was stained with his cum, he pulled me close and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

I thought, maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to have feelings for him.


Concentrate Concentrate Concentrate!

I tried and tried and tried to listen to the chemistry teacher but I couldn't concentrate at all. My mind kept replaying everything that happened last night.

Ryu was so gentle after everything. He wiped me clean with warm water and a hand towel then dressed me in his clothes. He cleaned himself up in the bathroom then joined me in bed, whispering sweet words in my ear. Damn I blushed so hard.

He told me I'm beautiful. That my body is beautiful. And sexy. He said he really likes my blue eyes and he likes touching me. He said that though it was my first time touching another man, I did great. He said my hands felt small around him and it was such a turn on.

I had to bury my hot face in his chest because I felt embarrassed but he just laughed and held me close. He kept stroking my hair and the back of my neck till I fell asleep. I felt good, safe and content. I felt fuzzy inside. It was amazing. I've never felt this way before. Not even with Aera. Who would have thought someone like Ryu could be like this?

We woke up late so we had to rush out. I gave him a ride to school then went home, took a quick shower and wore my uniform. I was very late but as a victim of 'rape', the teacher let me in, at the same time, he expressed his sympathies.

I was bummed that Ryu and I weren't having the same chemistry class but I know I'll see him later. It made me wonder, what kind of relationship do we have now? Am I too quick in wanting to call us something? We haven't even established anything like feelings. I have no idea if he likes me. He did say he doesn't like people like me but he also apologized for everything hurtful he said to me. Ah god I'm thinking too much!

But... he'd the perfect boyfriend.


Ryu as my... boyfriend

Oh my God.