Chapter 32

I found Sara speaking to some of her cheerleading friends. She looked so happy that the thought of breaking her heart made me feel guilty but I had to do it. I had to fix things or I'll just continue to be miserable. Besides, she'll come to know that I've just been deceiving her and that would be much worse.

"Hey Sara," I said as I made my way to them. "Can we talk for a moment?". I gently grabbed her elbow and led her away without giving her a chance to answer. I took us away from the loud music to a semi-secluded area. Just a few people were littered around the place, chilling and drinking.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She asked, looking concerned.

Everything's wrong Sara. It's all just fucking wrong.

Now that she was in front of me, waiting, I suddenly didn't know how to phrase my words. I didn't know how to tell her I didn't want her. I kinda dreaded her reaction. The last time I broke up with her for Aera, she went wild. Maybe I shouldn't do this in public.

But then, I remembered Ryu kissing that girl and a pang of pain went through my chest.


I wanted him back. I needed him back. Never have I liked someone so much that I feel suffocated and useless. The pain just keeps consuming me and I think is nothing else but him. Not even Aera. What shocked me the most was the fact that I don't even know him that well. But I still like him. A fucking lot.

"Aito, you're scaring me. What's going on?" Sara asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sighed and cleared my throat. It's now or never.

"Let's break up Sara," I said, completely serious.

Her face went deathly pale. Like a plain sheet of paper. As much as I hate her, the look of complete horror and devastation on her face made me feel like an asshole. Scratch that, I am an asshole.

"W-What?" She whispered like she couldn't believe it.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore," I told her. "It's better we go our separate ways"

She suddenly threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my body, hugging me fiercely. "You can't do this!" She cried. "Not again Aito. Not again. What did I do? Tell me and I'll fix it. I'll do anything. Just please, don't leave me. Don't leave me, Aito-kun"

I could feel her warm tears soaking my shirt. I tried to push her away but she clung to me like a second skin. Fuck.

I proceeded to explain. "It's not you Sara. It's me. I-"

"Don't give me that bullshit!" She snapped, pulling away just enough to look at me. "Don't fucking lie to me Aito. Just don't!". Tears were running down her face like a waterfall. Her body was practically shaking and her nails were digging into my arms but the pain was nothing compared to what we were both feeling.

"What is it about me you don't like Aito? I'll change it. I swear I'll change. Is this about Aera? Do you want me to be like her? You want my eyes to be blue like hers? Should I dye my hair brown like hers? Should I talk like her? Is that what you want Aito? Tell me. I'll do it. I'll do anything"

It was my turn to be shocked. Fuck that's an understatement. I was utterly flabbergasted. I couldn't even think let alone speak. What kind of shit did I get myself into? Just how much does Sara like me?

Her hold on me went even tighter. "Tell me Aito" she begged. "Is that what you want? Whatever you want, whatever it is, I'll do it. I love you so fucking much. I don't want to lose you. I don't know what I'll do if you leave me. Even if you don't love me, just stay with me. Be with me. Please"

I shook my head. "I-I can't" I whispered. "It's not because of Aera, Sara. You're perfect just the way you are. It's just me. I can't d-"

"Liar!" She shouted and pushed me away. Her expression turned from that of sorrow to blazing anger in a second. "Lies! All lies! It's Yua isn't it?"

Wait what? Yua?

"What does Yua have to do with us?" I asked, now confused.

"You're even asking?" She asked, surprised that I didn't know. "Your friend has been on my neck since we got together. That bitch hates me and I know she's the reason you're breaking up with me. She must be!"

"What?" I was stunned. "Why the hell will Yua be involved in this? I've told you over and over again that nothing is going on between us. She's like a sister to me"

"Sister my ass!" she seethed. "Where is she? Yua!" She started to shout. She pushed me away and made her way back to the party, shouting Yua's name at the top of her lungs.

I followed her, trying to get her to calm down and listen to me but she wasn't having it. Little by little, she started to draw attention to us which was the last thing I wanted. I spotted Yua playing games with Toshiro and a few other people so I tried to steer Sara away but it was too late. She had already seen them.

"You bitch!" she screeched as she ran and tackled Yua to the floor.

"Holy shit! Bitch fight!!!!" Toshiro shouted as he whipped out his phone.

The rest of the guys cheered, egging on the fighting females. What kind of life are we living? What sort of shit was this? Yua is our friend and Toshiro isn't even doing anything to stop the fight. Instead, he led the chant.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Whoooo! Go, Yua!"

Yua kicked Sara off her and stood up in one fluid motion then punched her square in the jaw. Fuck. Sara stumbled to the ground, holding her jaw and groaning in pain. Yua wasn't done yet. With a raised fist, she stalked towards Sara but I got there first, shielding Sara from Yua.

"Enough!" I barked.

Yua was furious. "Enough?! Your girlfriend called me a bitch and tackled me! Why the fuck did she do that? What the hell did I do to her?!"

"You know damn well what you did!" Sara shouted. She stood up, spitting out blood. "You took him away from me! Are you happy now Yua? Huh? Are you?!"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?! Are you insane?!" Yua shouted, confused. "What the hell is she saying, Aito?"

I noticed that the whole place was silent. Even the music was cut off. I groaned, knowing everyone's eyes were on us. Including Ryu's. "You should both calm down," I said to them then turned to Sara. "Let's talk about this somewhere else"

The look on her face already told me she wasn't going to listen to me. "What did I do to deserve this Aito?" She asked. "Just what did I do? You've always left me for other girls. What do they have that I don't? Why can't you just be mine?"

Because I like someone else.

From the look in her eyes, I knew that this night was far from over.

Fuck me.