Chapter 47

I was on my way to the abandoned building to clear my head when I heard a loud scream for help. It sounded like a female. I followed the sounds all the way to the bushy area beside our school.

There, between the thick trees, stood an almost naked Sara surrounded by four guys wearing our school uniform.

I recognized them all.

Joseph, Natsu, Ishida and Kai. They were part of our football team.

They were laughing and taking pictures of her pitiful state. She tried to cover her face with her hands but they kept slapping them away and asking her to dance.

"You shouldn't act so innocent and shy now that we know who you truly are" Ishida said, smacking her hands away from her face as he held the phone right in front of her.

"Yeah who are you trying to fool?" Kai said. "Or do you need music to dance? Will that set up the mood?"

Natsu laughed. "Come on, we want to see you twerk!". He smacked her ass and she screamed, trying to push him away.

"Oh come on Sara"Joseph said, twisting a hand behind her back. He started squeezing her breasts and tug on her nipples. "You love this don't you, you whore? I bet the thought of all four of us inside you turns you on right? Why fight it? I mean, you did it for a lot of men. We're your friends aren't we? Help us out a bit"

Tears and mucus were running down her face like a waterfall. She shook her head, begging them to stop, begging them to let her go but they wouldn't listen.

My head started to hurt, vision blurring. What have I done? This same thing had happened to Aera. It was like watching it happen all over again.

The strength in my legs vanished. I sunk to the ground, clutching my head as I groaned in pain. The image in front of me was glitching.






Then Aera again.


Tears clouded my vision. I felt like I was plunged back into that helpless situation. I was pinned down and forced to watch them take her one by one. In all places. She kicked and punched like a wild animal. She fought with all her might while I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save her.

Her ear splitting screams echoed in my head. They kept reverberating in my mind and I couldn't get them out.

"Stop" I cried. "Please stop. It hurts. It hurts so much"

But they didn't stop. Instead, the screams went louder. Darkness surrounded me and the voices kept getting louder and louder. Her face, bloody and pale, hung right before my eyes.

"You did this to me!" She said. "This is all on you Aito! You're the reason my life is miserable! I wish I never met you! I hate you! I hope you die the most horrible death!"

She cackled like a maniac. It sounded like the mixture of laughter and tears. "I hope you suffer Aito! I pray you go to hell!"

"No..." I sobbed. "I love you Aera. I-I didn't do it. I'll never do that to you. Believe me"

"Aito!" I heard someone shout. The voice was distant. So far it brushed by my ear like a whisper.

I felt someone grip my shoulders and shake me hard. "Snap out of it! Aito!"

"I-I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I didn't do it" I kept crying. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry". I felt like I was suffocating. Air just wasn't enough. My chest felt tight, as if my ribs were constricting my heart. It hurt. As if I were being squeezed to death.

"Aito! Wake up!"

A hard smack to my face shattered the darkness. Aera's face disappeared before my eyes, replaced with Ryu and Haruto's ashen faces.

The darkness cleared away and I've never been so happy to see them in my life. The nightmare was over. Air whooshed into my lungs, allowing the tightness in my chest to decrease. Ryu hugged me to his chest and I passed out.


I woke up to what sounded like an argument between two voices I recognized. My head hurt and my vision was blurry but I could make out two guys in Navy blue uniform. One had brown hair and the other dark hair. The dark haired guy had the brown one jacked up by his collar. I blinked several times before my sight cleared and what I saw made me gasp.

"Ryu...Haruto...why are you two fighting?" My voice came out deep and hoarse.

Ryu let go of Haruto and rushed to my side immediately. He handed me a bottle of cold water which I gladly took and drank. The cool liquid tasted so good in my dry throat.

"Ask the bear by your side" Haruto grumbled, straightening his collar and tie.

I looked at Ryu for answers but he only pursed his lips and avoided my eyes. Since he wouldn't answer, I had no choice but to face Haruto.

Haruto scoffed. "Look I get that he helped you and all that night you broke up with Sara but he has no reason to be here now. I told him to leave"

Sara... I recalled her situation before I fainted.

"Is she okay?" I asked. "Is Sara okay? I saw her. I saw them. Kai and his friends. They wer-"

"She's fine Aito-kun" Ryu said as he reached out and patted my head. His voice was warm and gentle. If Haruto wasn't there, I would have leaned into his touch. "We helped her. Those jerks are at the police station as we speak. Sara filed a report"

I let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad. Thank you"

Ryu smiled that charming smile of his that sent my heart racing while

Haruto nodded.

I gazed around and noticed that I was in the school's infirmary.

"But what's this about telling Ryu to leave?" I asked. Why will Haruto send him out? I feel much calmer knowing he's here.

"Why should he stay?" Haruto asked. "I appreciate what he did for you but that doesn't make us friends"

I frowned. "But I want him to stay. He's my friend"

"We need to talk Aito" he insisted. The look in his eyes told me he wanted to discuss my recent episode. Ugh can't a guy take a break? I just woke up for fucks sake. The only thing I wanted was to be in Ryu's arms.