Chapter 53

I've never been so eager to go to school before. In fact, I was badly looking forward to it. Ryu left as early as 5 in the morning so he could prepare for school since he didn't come over with his uniform and I missed him already. I couldn't wait to see him again.

We had such a good time together. He's super attentive and really caring. After that earth shattering orgasm, my legs felt like jelly so I couldn't walk. He cleaned me up with warm water then took a shower and joined me back in bed. I've never slept so good before.

"What's up with you?" Haruto asked me, adding milk to his cereal. "You're scaring me with that goofy smile on your face"

I was glad Ryu left early. Haruto decided we should ride to school together. It was an attempt to smoothen things out between us.

I laughed. Genuinely laughed. "Nothing man. I'm just happy"

He suddenly looked worried. "Is this a side effect of the new medication?"

"What? No. Is it weird for me to be happy?"

"Kinda. I haven't heard you laugh like that in a long time. Not since... you know"

I sighed, taking a seat next to him. "Sara's getting expelled today. We've successfully ruined her reputation and I bet she's still traumatized over what happened to her yesterday. Even though it's not the same as Aera's, I believe her punishment is enough. I'm happy she's leaving the school. I don't have to see her stupid face everyday"

Haruto nodded. "You're right. No wonder you're so happy"

Yep. That and the fact that Ryu and I had gone a step further in our sexual life. Having the main sex with him still terrified me because of how big he is but after last night, I believe we could work towards that. Ah he makes me so happy.

"So... who should we target next?" He asked, chucking a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Dai" I answered instantly. He's like a thorn in my flesh. I wanted him gone. I didn't care about the fact that he likes me. Thinking about it even disgusts me. "Dai is next. After him, we'll move to Sakura. Then Toshiro. Let's save Yua for last"

"I'll tell Tenji to start gathering data on him. There must be some dirty secret he's hiding"

I nodded. "Even if he has none, we'll make up something like we did with Miss Park. Now hurry up so we can go to school. I don't want to miss Sara's walk of shame"

More like I couldn't wait to see Ryu again.


Her head hung low as she walked down the hallway. The students around kept jeering and insulting her. Some shoved her as they walked past. Others threw stuff at her, calling her a whore. She looked terrible. Like a zombie.

Her hair was like a bird's nest, eyes sunken and blank. Skin so pale one would think she was a living corpse. Her steps were painfully slow with no definite direction for she kept bumping into people.

I clutched my chest as I felt it constrict, as if my heart was being squeezed.


I shook my head and closed my eyes. No.

Sara. It's Sara not Aera.

But when I opened my eyes, all I saw was her. Her disheveled chestnut locks, those lifeless eyes, her chapped pale lips.

Why? Why am I seeing her all over again? I thought I was over this. I thought I was better.

Fuck. No no no no no!

The next thing I saw was a chest, clad in our uniform. I raised my head to see Ryu gazing down at me, his eyes filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, his voice warm.

I shook my head. "Take me away"

He grabbed my hand and was about to pull me along when a fist collided with his jaw. It sent him a few steps away from me. I whipped my head to the side and saw Haruto rubbing his knuckles.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from him!" He spat, glaring at Ryu.

Ryu flexed his shoulders and neck, letting out crack sounds. Oh no. Before I could say a word, he charged at Haruto, punching him square in the face, emitting a sickening crunch, sending Haruto straight down. "And I told you I won't!" Ryu spat back. "What the hell is your problem?! Are you the only one who can be friends with him? Why are you so goddamn possessive of him? He has the right to be friends with whoever he wants and if he's not the one who tells me he doesn't want to be friends anymore then I'm going nowhere!"

Haruto held his bleeding nose, eyes wide in disbelief. He probably didn't expect Ryu to hit him back. But what the fuck was he thinking? Ryu is much stronger than him. Did he think he would hit him and get away with it?

I didn't even know what to do. My best friend and my boyfriend. Both were injured. I couldn't pick one without hurting the other. Luckily, I didn't have to make the decision myself. Ryu grabbed my hand and led us through throngs of people who had gathered to watch the drama, all the way to the roof. Fresh air hit my face and I took a deep breath, instantly feeling better.


"Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Ryu asked. "I wanted to ask yesterday but you were happy and I didn't want to ruin the mood. What's happening to you?"

"You're hurt" I said to him, gesturing at his jaw. "How can you think of me right now?"

"It's nothing" he brushed it off. "And why won't I think of you when I just walked out of a class and saw you staring at Sara as if you've seen a ghost. It was as if you were gonna have a panic attack. Kinda like yesterday. Fuck I was terrified. What's going on Aito?"

I didn't know what to tell him. The truth was not an option. I murdered someone and I'm getting punished for it. I wracked my brain, trying to come up with something convincing but nothing came to mind.


"I don't want to talk about it" I said at last. I couldn't lie. Not to Ryu.

Pain crossed his features. "You don't trust me?"

"It's not a matter of trust Ryu. I just can't open that door. Not right now"

"Will you ever tell me then?"

Will I? Could I ever speak to him about it? Tell him I killed someone? "I don't know" I whispered, looking down at my shoes.

He sighed, shifting closer to me. A hand went under my chin, raising my head so I could meet his gaze. "It's okay" he whispered. "You're not ready so I respect that. I'll always be here for you. Don't ever forget"

He kissed me between my brows and I hugged him tight. Ryu was perfect. Perfectly perfect. He was everything I needed.

And I think... I'm falling hopelessly in love with him.