Chapter 60

"Fuck I really want to kiss you right now" he groaned. "Can we go home? At least I'll be able to touch you freely. It's killing me that I can't right now"

I chuckled. "We're gonna have this date. You suggested it yourself so get ready to keep it in your pants for five hours or more. I want us to have a normal date like every other couple"

He groaned but agreed nonetheless. "Fuck this is gonna be hard"

I couldn't help but laugh. He looked like he was just given the worst punishment in the world. Well, I was itching to touch him too but I would never admit it to him or else, I'd be seeing his smug smile again. It was cute but I didn't like him feeling too full of himself.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, why were you upset?" he asked. I sighed. This guy just never forgets. My ice cream was melting fast and as I recalled why I was upset in the first place, my mood went off and I didn't want the ice cream anymore. I spotted a nearby trash can and dumped it inside.

"It's not a big deal Ryu. Let it go" Instead of doing just that, he abruptly stopped walking. I frowned and turned to him. "Ryu?"

"Either you talk or I leave" he said in a tone of finality and I knew he meant it. There was no room for arguments. It kinda ticked me off though. I used to be the one in control but now, I was the one being controlled and he's even doing a better job at it than I have ever done. I used to rely on my good looks and charm to get the girl. Basically, I just seduced and they followed because of the temptation. Because they wanted to get in bed with a handsome rich guy, they would obey every single word I said. But Ryu... he only needed to talk in an authoritative tone and my heart would begin to throb. Honestly, if he looked closely, my body was even trembling. Just slightly but I could feel it. I could feel the power he had over me. Over my heart.

So this is the power of a boyfriend...

"Aito?" he called, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I lowered my head and bit my lip as I contemplated on letting him go or admitting my stupidity and ruthlessness. Tears gathered in my eyes and no matter how hard I tried to keep them at bay, they still spilled down my cheeks. I sniffled. Stupid tears. Stupid eyes. Betrayers. Why come out now?

"Oh my God Aito" Ryu said in a soft tone. "Is it that serious?"

I only sniffled in response as more tears spilled. Ryu looked torn. He was holding our food and I'm sure he also wanted to hold me in his arms and I wanted to be hugged too but what would he do?

"Fuck this" he said and walked towards two girls. He said a few words I couldn't hear then gave them the popcorn and cokes. I pursed my lips. That's my caramel popcorn...

He returned soon after, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. It was empty so he locked it from within then immediately engulfed me in a tight hug. I buried my face in his chest and let my tears spill freely. I stuck to him like a leech, soaking in the comfort he gave me like a sponge. We remained that way for a while and when I stopped crying, he eased his hold, keeping a teeny bit of distance between us.

"When you went to get the popcorn, I was thinking..." I started before he could ask again. This is Ryu. My boyfriend. A person I trust. Showing your vulnerability to the one you have in your heart shouldn't be considered shameful. I knew that Ryu won't stop seeing me the way he usually does so I could bare out my heart to him. "I saw couples holding hands, being happy and doing sweet lovey dovey happy stuff so I got jealous. I want to be able to do all those with you. I want to be able to hold hands with you, to kiss you, to hug you, all in public. I don't want to keep our relationship a secret"

As I predicted, Ryu took it seriously. There was not a single hint of laughter or amusement on his face. "Is that what made you upset?"

I shook my head. "I was upset because... well, I asked myself why the world can't just accept other sexual orientations but then... then..."

He held my hand and squeezed, giving me an encouraging look. I continued; "I remembered all the things I used to say about gay people. All the things I used to do to Dai. The way I cursed him, calling him all sorts of names like freak, abomination, fag and the likes. Hell I even did it in front of you but here I am, with you. I do things... intimate things with you. Same as Dai. Same as any other gay person I've insulted out there. Never in my life did I ever think I'll do such things. I'm so ashamed of myself Ryu. I'm ashamed of all the things I said and did to Dai. I just...I hate myself right now"

Fresh tears filled my eyes as I spoke, falling down my cheeks in drops. "Fuck. I was so horrible Ryu. So so horrible. I bullied him Ryu. I-I-"

"Shhh" he hushed, hugging me once more. "It's okay Aito. Shhh... it's okay"

I fisted the lapels of his jacket and pressed my ear against his chest, right over his heart, sniffling as I listened to the calming sound of his heartbeat.

"I agree what you did was bad, Aito. And I won't sugar coat my words to make you feel better. You were an asshole. A heartless jerk. A stupid stupid bully. I'm sure that if you weren't a Yamamoto, you'd be beaten to death by now"

Okay even if that was all true, I was starting to get offended...

He put a little distance between us and cupped my cheeks, staring into my brown eyes. "The word here is 'were'. Past tense Aito. It's all in the past isn't it? You're no longer that Aito. You've changed haven't you?"

I nodded. "But that's because I met you. I'm afraid that if I hadn't, I would still be doing those heinous things"

"But you met me right?" he said. "It's fate Aito. You were destined to change and you have. I can't even remember the last time I heard something bad about you in school. Sure they still cower in fear when they see you or hear your name but you haven't hurt anyone. You're happier than you used to be. You've really changed Aito"

He was right. I haven't troubled anyone for the past few weeks. I... I've truly changed. I let out a small smile. "It's because of you"

"Doesn't matter baby" he smiled and pecked my lips. "It doesn't matter why or who. What matters is that you've changed. You're a better person now"

I'm a better person...

I'm a better person!

I smashed our lips together, taking him by surprise. Ryu let out a low growl and deepened the kiss, diving his tongue into my mouth. I moaned, snaking my arms around his neck while pressing my chest to his. He held me close and devoured my lips till we both had to pull away for air.


My lips were tingly, my stomach butterflies raging with excitement and my heart beating erratically. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other. It was definite. I'm in love with Ryu.