Chapter 69

Don't mind him? What the fuck! How could I not mind! How could I concentrate on the food?!

"I can't eat this way!" I said, trying to get off his lap but that only made him hold me down tighter. My ass was right atop his dick and I froze when I felt it. Holy shit! How long has he been hard?!

"You feel that baby?" he whispered, thrusting against me. "It's all because of you"

Heat flooded my insides and my cheeks warmed but I was also furious. Such good food in front of me and he wasn't going to let me eat it in peace.

"Ryuuuu" I whined. "I just want to eat"

"I'm not stopping you love" he chuckled and I glared at him but he pretended to not see it and went back to nibbling on my ear. Ugh so frustrating! Why was he being so difficult? Well I'd show him just how well I could resist him.

I refocused on the food, peacefully taking a few bites when I felt his warm tongue trail down my neck. My body went rigid and my hand froze in mid-air. Ryu sucked on a particular spot on my neck. It sent tingles down my spine, tips of my fingers and toes. He lightly nipped, licked and sucked on my skin and fuck it was hard to not move. I sucked in a deep breath and resumed eating but if I said I wasn't affected then I'd be a big fat liar.

I was well aware of every single thing he did. The roaming of his tongue against my skin, the little almost unnoticeable movement of his hips, pushing that hot monster beneath his jeans against my ass, those naughty fingers of his, sneaking underneath my shirt, gliding above my skin, sending tingles wherever they touched till they got to my already hardened nipples.

I cursed when I felt my dick rise, going hard as a nail. Slowly, our breathing became hot and heavy, the room becoming too warm, my heart pounding against my rib cage and stomach doing jumping jacks.

"That's it baby" he whispered, tweaking both my nipples between his thumb and pointer. I whimpered out his name as pleasure shot through me like electricity. It was then I realized that I had been unconsciously grinding back, meeting his movements until we were in sync.

The chopsticks fell out of my hand and I gripped the table, hard, when he tugged on my nipples. He pinched, pulled, squeezed and flicked, toying with them till I cried out his name continuously. They were so hard and sensitive and he just kept toying with them. I even felt myself leaking in my pants. Oh god. Just what was he doing to me? How could I react like this from mere nipple play? My traitorous chest pushed itself out, somehow telling Ryu it needed more and he didn't disappoint.

He raised my shirt, exposing my abdomen and chest, revealing my already red taut nubs, standing out like black dots on a white sheet. I flushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed. How could Ryu make me feel like this? Pre cum was oozing out of me and I could see the wet patch on my pants. God I was so turned on and I knew it wouldn't take long to send me off the edge.

If someone told me weeks ago that I'll be in the lap of another man, grinding my ass over his dick, I would have rearranged the person's face but here I am, doing just that. And enjoying it too.

Ryu pressed my back to his chest and shifted me a bit so he could gain access much easier. I nearly came in my pants when he latched his mouth on my left nipple and tweaked the right one. If I thought he was doing something before, he definitely wasn't. Ryu didn't just play with my nipples. He feasted on them, sucking, licking, nipping and tugging with his teeth, intermittently switching from one to the other. I was a whimpering squirming mess in his lap.

Forget rhythm. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore. My lust addled brain couldn't register anything but him. My nipples were so swollen and sensitive but he didn't stop. Not even for a second. I reached out to touch myself but he trapped my hands in his and continued his assault. Tears pooled in my eyes. The pleasure was too much. I needed release. He was torturing me.

"Ryu please" I cried. "Please let me cum"

"I'm not stopping you" he murmured against my skin, sucking on the spot next to my collarbone before going back to my nipples. This brute! He just loves playing with them!

He resumed his sucking and nibbling. My dick was so hard and my balls so swollen that it was almost painful. A few drops of tears escaped my eyes as I continued to plead with him for release. "Please Ryu... please... I n-need you"

He completely ignored me, keeping my hands firmly trapped in his. The pleasure kept building and building then with a sudden tug on both nipples, I shot cum down my pants. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, body spasming, toes curling as I released loads of my essence, painting my thighs and pants. It wasn't until I had emptied every last bit that he finally stopped torturing my over sensitive nipples.

I was breathing hard while he kept peppering the side of my face and neck with kisses. Fuck. It was so intense that I couldn't even say a thing. Did he just make me cum by nipple stimulation? What the fuck? Was I that needy?

"D-Did you know that would happen?" I asked, still panting.

"No" he answered. "But I was hoping"

I had no idea what to make of that answer. I stared at him in disbelief.

"I'm glad it happened" he said, pecking me on the lips. "It's like your body was made for me Aito. You just respond so perfectly to me. Only I can make you feel this way. No one else"

I smiled and kissed him on the lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth. He let me lead and I went slow, savoring the sweet and spicy taste of him. I've long since learnt that Ryu is possessive and honestly, it just made me feel even more loved and safe. Like nothing could happen to me when he's around. Not even memories of Area could resurface.

He deepened the kiss, coaxing my tongue into a heated battle which he won and I let him take what he wanted. He kissed me thoroughly, swiping and sucking until we ran out of air. Only then did he pull away. Kissing Ryu would never get old. I kissed him again and nibbled on his lower lip. "I just can't get enough of you" I murmured against his lips.

"Neither can I. Let's take this to my room?"

"Yes please" I replied and he gathered me in his arms, still kissing me as he carried me to his room.

Ah, I still didn't get to finish my dinner.