Chapter 79

"Dad found something about them which could destroy their entire business. They first sent him money so he wouldn't publicize it but he didn't accept the money. They doubled the amount and tried again but he still declined. The owners of the company came to our home themselves to persuade him with five times the amount they gave him before but he still refused. He said he would be selling his own dignity and career once he accepts the money. Dad sent them out and warned them to never disturb him again. I thought my dad was brave. I thought nothing could happen to him. He was so strong. He was my hero, Aito"

Ryu's arms tightened around me. I could feel him trembling. I didn't know why but tears were already gathering in my eyes. I felt like the worst part of it was about to come.

"That same night, they burned our house to the ground" he whispered. "I was lucky to escape unscathed. Dad was the one who got me out but mum was still inside so he went back to get her. Neighbours came to help and firefighters arrived but they could only get my mum out and she had burns all over her back and arms. The roof of the building crashed down and Dad never made it out"

Fuck. And Ryu was just nine. I could picture his small self, watching his house get burned to the ground, knowing his dad was still inside. I put myself in his shoes and shuddered at the thought of my own parents in that situation. I wouldn't be able to take it.

"By the time they put out the fire, my dad was already burned to a crisp. I watched them carry his blackened body in the ambulance. His eyes were wide open and the look of anguish and pain was plastered on his face. I could see it"

With every word he said, his hold on me tightened.

"And I promised right there and then that I would avenge him. I would make those bloody people pay for taking my dad away from me. No matter what"

He squeezed me to the point that it became painful and I couldn't breathe. "R-Ryu" I croaked, trying to get air into my lungs.

Ryu suddenly realized what he was doing and released me immediately. "Fuck I'm sorry Aito. I'm so sorry" he apologized.

I coughed and sucked in the air. "It's okay". It really was. I understood his pain.

"Are you crying?" he asked, surprised.

I touched my face and found that it was wet with tears. This made me cry even harder. I turned and hugged him tight. "Sorry Ryu" I sobbed. "Sorry you had to go through that. No one ever should. Those people are pure evil. Bastards. We should make them pay. I'll help you in every way I can. What right do they have to make a kid suffer like that? What right do they even have to take a life? I'm with you Ryu. Now and always"

Ryu pulled away and kissed my forehead then whispered; "Me too". His hot breath tickled my skin and I shivered. "When you're with me, Aito, I forget how lonely I get. Every discomfort, every pain just vanishes. Sometimes, I don't even understand how you became so important to me. Despite how I didn't like you at first, you wormed your way into my heart and it's like you're hell bent on staying there"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I lifted my chin and gazed into his beautiful dark eyes. "Oh I definitely am. I'm not going anywhere Ryu. You're in my heart too"

"And I don't intend to stay just in your heart Aito. I intend to dominate all of you. I want to be in your mind, your body, your soul. I want to leave my trace on every part of you. So much that all you'll think about is me. I want to be your very world"

His words and the intensity in his eyes took my breath away. He sounded downright possessive and slightly scary but I could feel his sincerity. I understood what he meant and I wanted nothing more. Even though he didn't know about my past, he still accepts me the way I am and makes me want to be a better person.

I'm sorry Aera.

I'll fulfill my promise to you but...

I don't think I can join you.

Just the thought of leaving Ryu brought unimaginable pain to my heart. As if something was constricting my chest. I couldn't part ways with him. No way.

"I love you Ryu" I blurted without thinking. "I love you so much"

He looked shocked and tears pooled in my eyes, threatening to spill. If he doesn't love me back, it'll shatter my poor heart. After what he said, he has to love me too right?

My heart was pounding and I started to sweat but all that stopped when a gorgeous smile lit his face. He bent his head and kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I closed my eyes and my tears spilled down my cheeks.

Ryu loves me too. Ryu loves me too. He loves me! He really does love me!

He kissed me softly and tenderly, tugging at the strings of my heart. His fingers dug into my hair and his other hand tightly held on to my waist as our tongues danced languidly. I could feel his emotions through the motions of his lips, the way he held me. He conveyed everything through his body language.

I was a panting mess by the time he pulled away. My face was so hot I was sure that it was even redder than blood. Ryu smiled and nuzzled my neck.

"You're definitely mine now"


Ryu had me pinned against the wall of his living room. We were fervently kissing and clawing at our clothes until we were completely naked. He hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His mouth attacked my neck and I bent my head, giving him better access to my skin. His palm fisted my already leaking dick and jerked in his arms.

"Ryu..." I moaned. I couldn't take it anymore. "Please..."

He continued to attack my neck with kisses and bites, harshly sucking while he stroked my dick with his rough palm and long fingers.

My body vibrated with pleasure as I continued to moan and plead with him to take me. He should just take me. My hole kept clenching on air. I wanted to feel him inside me. To fill me with his warm seed.

But Ryu was hell bent on making me wait. He kept pumping my dick till I couldn't hold back anymore. I moaned as cum spurted out of me, staining our chests. I writhed at he kept stroking me, riding out my orgasm till my dick twitched out the last drop of cum. My eyes were filled with tears of ecstasy and I was panting but Ryu didn't give me the time to rest. No. He swiped the cum on his abdomen and went straight the crack between my cheeks, rubbing it around the rim.

I quickly relaxed my body as I felt him pushing into two fingers at a time. My body was starting to get used to the feeling of his fingers and so I didn't clench down. Instead, I welcomed it and his fingers slipped in easily. He added a third, making me cry out as he stretched my entrance, digging deep into me then scissoring, making sure I was ready to take him in.

Oh I was more than ready. "Ryu please... fuck me... Ryu... I'm ready... please..."

But no matter how hard I begged, Ryu went on his own pace. It was torture!