"How's TJ?" I asked, carefully watching his expression. He went pale from shock and I smiled, shaking my head. "Can't believe you named him that. Toshiro Junior. How old is he this year? I think two right? Yeah, he should be two years old. A cute little boy. The caretakers say he eats and poops a lot. Wouldn't you say that his habits are...just like yours?"
Toshiro quietly found a chair and his body sagged onto it. Like an old man who had hip problems. He ran his fingers through his blonde locks then sighed, not bothering to cover up anything. "How did you know? Have you been stalking me?"
I shrugged. "So what if I have? Isn't that how you get your information? Mostly by stalking people? How does it feel when the same is done to you?"
He chuckled. It was the sad type. The kind that showed you've been bested and there was nothing you could do. I have long known the kind of person he is and I knew he would try to turn things back on me so I didn't give him the chance.