Chapter 140

Mr Igarashi was enraged. "What do you think you're doing, Ryuho?". He tried to remove his hand but Ryu just held it tighter.

"You can't kill him father" he answered and the hope that had been been extinguished in me was ignited once again.

Tears of joy ran down my face. Ryu stopped him. Ryu stopped him!

Does this mean Ryu couldn't bear to see me dead? Does this mean he had even a sliver of feelings for me? Does this mean we still had a chance?

"Ryuho, what are you doing?" Tobio asked as he stepped up. "Let go"

"Oh you shut up" Kaito snapped, pulling Tobio back. Tobio tried to break free but Yasu grabbed him by the collar and held him in place.

"Stay here like a good boy" he said, patting Tobio's hair. "Do not interfere between father and son"

"Let go of me this instant!" Mr Igarashi commanded, trying but failing to free himself. "What the fuck has gotten into you? Don't tell me his little speech has softened you. Or have you developed some kind of feelings for him?"