Chapter 217

When Kento said it, he felt his blood run cold. A kind of maddening fear clenched his heart like a vice and it took all of his rationality to not storm inside and take Aito away. The kind of dark thoughts that occupied his mind at that moment made him detest himself but he knew. Deep down he knew that if he had no other choice, he wouldn't hesitate to implement them. Regardless of the consequences.

He cleared his throat and smiled. "I'm glad you're staying" He then took a seat next to Aito and grabbed a bottle of chocolate syrup which he added to Aito's waffles. He knew that Aito liked chocolate syrup a lot with either pancakes or waffles in the mornings. He usually had them with black coffee.

Ryu never forgot.

Kento didn't want things to end like this. He felt anxious that Aito would recall all his memories at any time. "A-Are you sure you want to stay, Aito? We can come back during some other holiday. Maybe the mid-term"