Chapter 243

"Did Ryu deceive me, Toshiro?" Felix cried as he tugged on Toshiro's hand. "Please, you have to tell me. Has he been pretending to love me? Did he use me to get revenge on my dad?"

Toshiro didn't know what to say. Aito was asking so many questions at a time that he didn't even know which to answer.

"Please tell me the truth" Aito begged. "Did Ryu ever love me? Do I mean anything to him? Did he use me to get revenge? Was any of what we had real? Toshiro, please answer me? Did he use me?"

"Aito I-"

"No excuses!" Aito snapped. "I just want the truth! Did Ryu use me to get revenge on my dad?!"

"I-I- well I don't know-"


"Yes! yes! Fuck yes he did okay!" Toshiro blurted.

Aito went deathly pale and Toshiro started to panic. "L-Look Aito, it's not what you think. That was ages ago okay. Ryu loves you now. Things are different. You should talk to Ryu about this."