Chapter 264

Aito stared at Haruto in utter shock, unable to comprehend that Haruto was still alive, standing before him, hale and healthy. As if nothing ever happened. Nothing looked out of place. If he hadn't looked taller, Aito would even swear that Haruto didn't grow a day older. He seemed to be glowing even.

Aito didn't know what to do. He felt as if he was dreaming. A part of him wanted to step forward and hug his best friend tight. Make sure that he was actually real. But another part of him froze his body in place. He felt as if Haruto would disappear if he touched him.

Haruto spread his arms wide, giving Aito a small smile. "Will you just keep staring at your best bud like that? Won't you hug me?" His fingers were itching to touch Aito again. The pictures his spies got of Aito did not do Aito justice at all. He was so breathtaking in person. Haruto wanted to hug him tight and never let go. It had been so long since he was able to physically touch Aito.