Chap # 2 "Why are you crying?"

Nathan Rivera's POV

One whole week passed, I tried to talk to her but no luck. We were following the same stupid routine. First, she would make us breakfast, we'd have it together with an awkward silent and then I'd go to work. When I'd come at two, she would be sleeping so I would just sit beside her and watch her sleep as I pulled my pull-out laptop and work.

I know, creepy!

She would always busy herself with household chores so much so that it started to annoy me.

After having dinner, I would wait for her in the bedroom but she would come so late that sleep always consumes me. Today was the last straw.

I will talk to her today!

I tried getting out of bed to go for breakfast but my head started to ache. Usually, I never have breakfast like this, but I thought it would be better to have breakfast in the bed. Maybe she will feel more comfortable with me this way.

"Janet!" I called for her as she rushed and stood at the door, with her head down. I swear it annoyed me more than anything else, it made me look like some devil commanding her. I liked her shyness but not the complete submission to me.

"Can I have my breakfast in bed," I smiled politely at her. "I'm not feeling too well, bring yours upstairs too."

I tried to break the ice but her stare was etched to the ground as she nodded and left without making a sound.

I didn't tell her to make me food, she would do that on her own and it surprised me. The house was always tidy, the kitchen spotless and the food warm and tasty, as always since she came. She was nothing like those fancy girls who would sit around and do nothing but look pretty and I was grateful for that. She didn't have to pretend to look pretty or catch my eye, she always just did.

She came back with a tray as I positioned myself upright with my back against the headboard. All of a sudden, she tripped and the tray slipped from her hands. I quickly got up to rush to her aid but what she did stopped me in my steps and shook me to my core.

"NO, NO," she pleaded with a shaky voice. "I'M SO SORRY, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN !!"

She hastily picked up the broken glass pieces with her bare hands, causing them to bleed. I quickly reached out for her wrist, pulling her towards me and away from danger. As she got suddenly pulled, her body became unstable and to catch her I grabbed her from her waist and held her gently as she sobbed. Her body was ever so stiff and tensed.

She continued to cry as my hold around her tightened a bit more. I waited as her cries became less intense and turned into gentle sobs, waiting for her body to relax in my hands. I caressed her cheek as my eyes narrowed with hundreds of thoughts swirling my mind.

Why did she act like this? Came the unanswerable questions in my head. What made her do this? What is that's related to her but I'm unaware of?

Janet Rivera’s POV

I was sweating profusely as I sat up in my bed. I took a few breaths while looking around and laid back down slowly, trying to forget the nightmare I had. The tears weren't stopping but I had to control myself before he wakes up.

He was lying beside me in one bed we shared. What was his name again? Ah yes, Nathan!

He was beautiful, no doubt, but I didn't even know this man. I didn't know why I was handed to him. My aunt would never let me out of the house, then why would she let me go with a male stranger? This person, Nathan, was always trying so much to talk to me and I didn't know why. It was better to stay away from him, I didn't know what to expect from him. With my tears seizing to fall and the tiredness making my thoughts blurry, I went to sleep.


As I poured the tea, I heard Nathan call me. I put the teapot down quickly and ran to the bedroom.

"Can I have my breakfast in bed, I'm not feeling too well, bring yours upstairs too."

He told me as I nodded and went back to the kitchen and briskly filled up food tray.

It would be better if only he eats his food on the bed while I eat on the table. I went to the room with the tray tightly in my hands. My foot hit something hard as I flinched and making me lose my balance. The tray fell from my hands making my eyes widen.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" She yelled at me as her spit landed on my face. "You can never do anything right! Everything happens to slip out of your hands!!"

"NO, NO! I'M SORRY," I pleaded for mercy. "IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!!"

I tried to stop her but her hand pulled my hair and it felt as if they were pulled out of their roots as she slapped me on my left check giving it a stinging sensation.

"Pick up all of these pieces with your bare hands." She howled at me as I bent down, obeying her.

The fear and trauma were still there and so were the voices in my head from my past haunting me, but this time I didn't feel the sting. I felt someone's gentle touch on my cheek, ever so softly and I felt being in a strong, firm grip around my torso.

Gathering my thoughts, I looked up to see Nathan facing me with his eyebrows touching together with a mix of anger and worry. He appeared to be deep in his thoughts as time passed when his eyes meet mine.

"Why would you start to pick up those broken glass pieces?" He asked as he pulled back and held my bleeding hands above. He kept his eyes on me as he waited for my answer but he never got one.

He slowly pulled me carefully and guided me to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Wait," He said and went to the bathroom.

My hands looked terrible, covered with blood was still dripping down my palms but I didn't feel the pain, not anymore. He came back with a white box and took out a few of the contents in it. He held my wrist in his hand as he softly wiped my hands with a damp cloth. Then he applied a cream on the wounds and gently bandaged it with great care that I couldn't help but smile at him. His eyes kept stealing glances at me as he was being careful not to hurt me.

"Thank you," I whispered as he smiled back and my head cast down in shyness. "Wha- what about your-"

"You stay, I'll be back." I did as he said and sat still as he went out of the room. He came back with another tray filled with the remaining food and placed it on the bed. He came across the bed and sat beside me making our shoulders touch. That was enough to give me goosebumps on my entire body. He picked up the cutlery and began cutting the pancakes into small pieces.

I thought he was going to eat it but he brought the food up to my lips.

"Eat." He said as I hesitantly took the bite. He smiled at me as he took the second bite for himself with the same fork.

"What did he just do?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled.

Why is this man so confusing?

He kept feeding me as no words were exchanged. His eyes were stuck on me while mine were on the food that was placed on his lap. I kept stealing glances only to find him staring at me making me heat up. The last bite left and it was his turn but he brought the fork up to my face. My eyes meet his, he gives me a slight nod as I opened my mouth and took the bite. He smiled and I felt my heart melt. He had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I never thought that one day I would sit in front of a man who would feed me with so much adoration.

I notice him still staring at me making me again blush. My head lowered as I heard him spoke.

"You should eat more." He handed me an orange juice as he left. I carefully adjusted the glass in my bandaged hand and took a sip. He came back and walked over to me as I held half portion of juice towards him. He took the glass and gulped down the juice in one swift motion slightly making my eye widen. He placed the glass on the side table and smiled at me before speaking.

"Sleep you look tired." He said leaning in as I pulled my head backwards making my head hit the headboard.

"Ow!" I rubbed my head with my eyes shut.

"Are you okay?" He asked slowly as I saw his hand in midair. As if he was making a decision to touch me or not.

I nodded in reply, he stepped back and pulled the covers on top of me as I got comfortable in the bed.

"Sleep well. I'm going to work and I'll come back early." He told me and gave me another one of his smiles and went off. I yawned as I didn't know I was so exhausted.

Nathan was really sweet; he had these narrow blue eyes with waves crashing that make you feel free. And that smile is gorgeous and for the first time being with him, I didn't feel like a stranger with him.


A full week passed my hands were getting better, thanks to Nathan. He took so much care of me.

Every day he would clean my bandage, feed me breakfast with his hands and brought a maid to the house so I didn't have to clean anything. We didn't talk much except the small talks, or the eye contact. And it was better this way. Since he had brought a maid, I had so much free time.

So, I went to explore the little house. It was beautiful with three bedrooms, one kitchen and one living room with a small garden. I remember how my family had a large garden and we used to plant flowers and fruits. It was all before my father left us. We loved him so much, I don't know why he left us all alone? Same with my Mother she left me too. I don't know why.

Why did he leave me to suffer alone?

I sat on the chair that was seated in the garden. As my thought ran about my father and mother. Those were really good times.

"Why are you crying?" I jumped as I heard his voice.

"Nothing." He slowly walked over to me and I stepped back but unfortunately my back hit the table. He held up my face in his hands as he wiped away the tears with his thumb with my eyes glued to the ground.

"Come the lunch is ready." He smiled at me again just like he always does with his blue eyes sparkling.

He didn't question me?

He moved away from me as I took a deep breath. Him being close to me felt different and I couldn't differentiate whether it is bad or good.
