Chap # 9 “Don’t tell me you fucked her so har-"

Janet Rivera's POV

I felt comfortable, safe and so warm. The pillow today was warmer than before. I snuggled deep as I wrapped my arms around the pillow. The pillow was a bit hard- wait. My eyes jolted open as they meet Nathan's face. He was still sleeping as his eyes were shut closed and lips a little apart. His one arm was above his head and the other on my waist. I didn't push myself away because I knew he didn't do this on his own. I actually loved the position. I blushed bright as he moved closer, my eyes went to his lips. Those lips that I so many times, almost kissed. His hair was on his forehead as I bought my hand up and pushed it away. My eyes closed only for a second and when I opened them, they went straight to his blue orbs, which were wide open. I gulped as we kept staring at each other. He smirked as he moved a little, making our bodies push against each other. My breath hitched as he spoke, his voice husky.

"Good morning, dear."

"Good morning." I mumbled as he kept staring at me with no other words spoken. He was watching as if he was trying to memorize me.

"Want to go the hospital with me today?" He asked as he laid his back on the bed and watched the ceiling with his one hand still on my waist.

"Yes, I would love too." I said with excitement.

"Then get ready, dear." He said as he kissed my forehead, really quickly and left the bed with a smirk. I didn't even have the time to comprehend what happened right now. He went to the bathroom and didn't turn back as I signed.

Wow! That kiss was so beautiful and cute.

I touched my forehead where he placed his lips and couldn't help but smile. I could still feel his lips on mine, that made my heart jump. I want him to kiss me again, and I don't want him to hesitate.

I got out the bed and went to the kitchen and checked out on Lydia if she had made breakfast and she was almost done. I went back to the room and checked if Nathan came out of the bathroom or not. But he was still in there. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and went to the other bathroom that was downstairs. I took a shower quick as I didn't want Nathan to be late because of me. I sat in the dining room and waited for him to come as Lydia placed all the food.

"Ma’am?" She called me as I turned to face her.

"Can I go home now?" She asked as her face was filled with concern.

"What’s wrong?" I asked as I eyed her.

"My father is sick and there is no one to take care of him." She said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Oh god! You can go home." I said as I stood up and pulled her for a hug. She suddenly started crying as I rubbed her back, soothing her.

"What happened here?" Nathan spoke as we both pulled away from the hug.

"I will explain later. Lydia you go?" I told her and she thanked me once again and went towards the kitchen to get her stuff. I walked towards Nathan he looked at me curiously, I started explaining him.

"Lydia father got sick, he is all alone and Lydia couldn't leave him there so I sent her home." He nodded as he walked in the kitchen.

He understood and gave extra money for her father’s medicine bill, and told her that if her father condition gets worse, she can call him. I couldn't help but thank Nathan and smile at his sweet and understanding nature. Lydia left as she couldn't stop thanking Nathan.

Nathan Rivera's POV

I saw how shocked she was when I kissed her and I wanted to do it again but I want her to say it that she wants to be kissed. Anyhow, when I reached the dining room, I saw the scene and when Janet explained me, I wanted to help the poor lady as much as I could. And Janet was happy that I helped Lydia.

I was standing watching Janet as she gazed at the babies that were born some today morning while other yesterday night, after midnight. They were kept here for running some tests before they were given back to their parents. I wished she could touch them but it was prohibited to touch those babies only the nurses could no any outsiders. Even though this hospital belonged to me, I can't break the rule. Maybe someday we both would have children of our own.

Well before that you have to do the deed.

Oh god! Not again. I thought about her luscious body. Her small waist, her round hi-

I was losing control just by looking at her wearing jeans or any other clothes that showed only a tiny bit of her skin. I was helpless. But I have to control myself, I will wait till she is ready no matter how much time its going to take. Well, I hope that time comes soon.

"Nathan, look that baby is yawning!" She said as she jumped on her heel while pointing her finger at the baby. I saw the baby yawning as he gurled and then my gaze turned back to Janet as her eyes sparkled.

"Yeah, he is cute." I told her still watching her. I thought about our moment that happened this morning and couldn't help but smile. I kissed her temple this time as she turned to face me with wide eyes.

"Nathan?" She whispered as I smirked at her, devilishly.

"What?" I asked rather innocently as she blushed. "Don't you like it, when I kiss you?" Her eyes cast down as I trapped her in between the glass in the wall and my arms. I felt goosebumps on her arms as I pressed my body on her. Her chest was pressed into mine as I took her hands and raised them above her head.

"N-Nathan what are yo-" She couldn't finish her words as my phone rang, filling its annoying sound around the quiet room. I groaned as I ignored it and then it rang again. In irritation, I picked up the phone and didn't see the caller ID.

"What?" I asked.

"Wow, that’s a perfect way to greet your sister." She spoke sarcastically as I closed my eyes and signed deeply.

"Sorry." I apologized as I heard her sign and then she started scolding me about manners.

"Nathan, my hands." Janet whispered me as I turned to face her. Her face was turned full red as I still had her hands pinned. I was now staring at her as I heard my sister spoke again.

"Where the hell are you? I am standing outside your house and I have been ringing this doorbell for like a thousand times. I guess, the doorbell burned because I smell something burning. Come quick!" Her annoying voice rang in my ears as I rolled my eyes while still gazing at Janet. Her beautiful eyes watched my ever move as she impatiently waited for me to unpin her hands.

"I am in the hospital with Janet." I informed her as she gasped.

"Oh my god, Nathan!" She gasped. " Don't tell me you fucked her so har-"

"Bella! Don't finish that sentence." I warned as I heard her laugh over the phone.

"Then come home quick." She hanged up as I glared at the phone, thinking that it was her.

"Nathan?" God, I loved the way she says my name and it almost makes me want to pin her against the wall and have my way with her. Patient Nathan!

I finally let go of her hands as she signed with relief.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

"Janet, we have to go home." I told her as she eyed me.

"Why?" She frowned.

"My sister, Bella came to visit us." Her frown suddenly turned into a smile.

"Okay, let’s go then." She said as if she was getting impatient.

"Why so happy?" I asked.

"Because I loved meeting Valeria and Derek and they were great. I would love to meet your sister as well." I nodded at her and couldn't help but be happy that finally she was better than before. She wouldn’t even speak a word but now she was opening up. We made our way back to the parking lot and sat in the car as I drove towards our house. I parked the car in the garage as I got out of the car and walked to her side, helping her get out of the car. She smiled at me as we walked hand in hand towards the front door. I looked around to find Bella but she was not here. I pushed open the door as it was not locked. Who unlocked the door? I remember locking it. We both went in as Janet also looked confused.

"Bella?" I called as she came out of the kitchen.

"Where is the pizza? You always have pizza in the fridge. Although this pudding is amazing, it does not look like you made it. Cause you can't cook shit." She spoke as she licked the pudding from the spoon while I rolled my eyes.

"Janet meet my sister Bella. Sorry if she sounds stupid but she is not. Talking idiot is actually her habit." I told Janet as she chuckled and watched Bella eating the pudding.

"I hate you." Bella said glaring at me. "I am only here to see Janet not you." She said, arrogantly as she walked past me, towards Janet and suddenly pulled her in a hug.

"I am Bella, this asshole’s sweet sister." She said with a wink as Janet blushed but hugged her back.

"I am Janet. Nice to meet you." Bella smirked at Janet and then she eyed me.

"Such a sweet soul for a badass guy." She stated as I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Bella, I need to talk to you for a minute. Dear, can you make some snacks. And that pudding was made by Janet." I informed her as her eyes turn to Janet.

"Wow can you make some more." Bella said with her mouth full. Janet blushed and nodded as I took Bella hand and pushed her in my room.

"Bella listen, that girl is innocent and please don't spoil her." I began as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, brother no worrie-"

"I'm serious, listen!" I cut her off as I continued. "She has been through a lot; she wouldn't speak to me the first two weeks. She would always flinch when I touched her but since she meets Valeria, she started to open up to me and I hope you do the same as Valeria. I am really happy that she is better than before Bella, she also might hav- she might have gone through abuse." Bella eyes widened as she stared at me. Her eyes cast down as she felt pity for the girl.

"Poor girl." She whispered.

"Can you please take extra care of her, be her friend and make sure she is not left out." I told her as she nodded.

"I will." She assured me as she placed her hand on top on my right shoulder, gently patting it.

"She now has a sister that she will look up too." I smiled at her words as signed in relief.


"Although I will cut you to pieces if you hurt her." She said as if it was no big deal which made me roll my eyes. Again. Seriously Bella was a type of person that could make you angry one second and make you laugh the next second.

"Let me go to her and that tell her your embarrassing childhood stories." I huffed as she ran to the kitchen while I stood there and couldn't help but smile to myself.

Today would be an interesting day.


The third wheeler lollll!! I love Bella. ♡<♡