Chap # 2 "Do you trust me?"

Janet Rivera's POV

"We really need to go or we'll be late." Nathan hissed as his arms clutched tighter around my waist. We just finished our session and I felt like he had no desire to go out.

"If you let me go then we could do some walking." I teased and trying to act bold but inside trust me I was feeling my heart thump louder than its rate. He let me go as he stepped two feet away and his eyes raked over my body as I glanced at his suit. He looked lavishing handsome.

My dress was short and I had no leggings this time. Instead, Lydia helped me cover the, now fewer permanent bruises with makeup. Other than that, the dress was beautiful with the little details of white flowers that starting from my left hip to the right knee. Nathan really had a good taste at fashion.

"I'll be in the car." He told me as he glared at the dresser behind me with a small smile. He shook his head and walked out of the room while I took a deep breath. It was as if he wanted to do more.

Shaking my head at such bizarre thought. I checked myself once more and went out of the room and exited the house as I passed Lydia who waved at me with a small smile making me wave back.

He was standing right by the passenger seat. When he saw me coming towards him, he pulled open the passenger door like a gentleman while I tried not to blush. I sat down on my seat and he went over to his side. He ignited the car engine as he reversed the car out of the front gate. I don't know why for some reason my hands were sweating as his eyes kept glancing at me. I could feel the way he looked at me as we both sat silent.

"Stay right beside me and if you need anything you will tell me. The hall would be huge and there will be many men out there." I nodded as he turned his face to look at my answer. I, also dared to watch how his eyes stared at me. The gleam in his eyes as he smiled at me and that curve on his lips was making me melt.

When we arrived, Nathan took a hold of my hand and didn't leave it even as he greeted his co-workers. The party was all in all really interesting. Meeting new people was okay, but the food was delicious and the decoration of the hall was just perfect. Women wore elegant gowns and men wore tuxedo and suits with colorful ties. The soon to be bride and groom were glowing, the smile on their lips were evident as they lovingly looked at each other.

The whole night, I noticed Nathan staring at me as his eyes roamed around my face and dress making me blush. As we sat on our seats Nathan place his hand casually on my thigh.

"Nathan, your hand!" I whispered as I tried to smile at the girl sitting in front of us. That girl was no more than 9 as she stared at me with her eyes wide and mouth open. What was the girl staring at?

"Yeah, what about my hand?" He asked not noticing the little girl watching us. Although she can't see what Nathan was doing under the table but still it was awkward.

"Remove it." I told him as he smirked and trailed his hand over my thigh in circles making it tickle.

"Nathan!" I warned. He kept his face straight as he didn't wipe that smirk off his face while the little girl still had her eyes on us. I held his hand to stop him and instead Nathan grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"We should go home soon.” I was kind of scared but excited to go home.


Okay, now I am hellishly scared. What is he going to do with me? He was calm as he drove the car but his hand was fisted around the steering wheel so tight that I could see his knuckles turn white.

"Go in, I will park the car." He told me as my heart thump loudly. I walked out of the car and went inside the house through the front door that was locked. I bend down and found the second key below the mat. I unlocked the door and placed the key back and went straight to our bedroom.

When I walked in the room, it looked a little strange. There were no changes but the atmosphere was a little suffocating, or was my dress suffocating. Should I change? What should I do? I finally decided to change my clothes when I felt something pulling my arm, more like someone. I didn’t hear him come inside the room. His coat was lying behind him on the bed as his muscles popped out of the crisp white shirt. When did that happen?

"Where were you going?" His voice husky.

'T-to the closet, t-to change clothes." I stammered as he hummed and hugged me from behind.

He didn’t say anything after that and took me into a world that was full of bliss and satisfaction. It felt good and I wished I could stay like this forever.

"I love you." He told me as he kissed the top of my head making me blush again. Can he not get any cuter? I was about to fell into a deep slumber when I whispered.

"I love you too."
