Chap # 5 “Mom?”

Nathan Rivera's POV

"I am so excited! This is my first time in an airplane." She exclaimed while humping on her seat as we just took our seats which was first class, I wanted Janet to experience a lot. She still had the world to see.

"Are you nervous?" She turned to me with her eyes shining and that beautiful smile etched to her face.

"I am too excited to be nervous right now." I laughed as she blushed but faced the window and looked out. The airplane was about to take off as we all buckled up while Janet held my hand in hers. She was a little bit nervous and I could see that but her fear was no match the enthusiasm. When the plane took off, she took deep breaths but her eyes sparkled. Her hand tightened around mine but she loosened as soon we were on air. She looked out of the window again and awed as she pulled my hand to look out. I kept my eyes on her, watching the way her smile grew, her eyes shimmering in the bright blue sky.

"I am so happy right now. I love you so much." She slowly turned towards me and caught me staring at her. She blushed deep as I took her lips in mine, smooching them while she tried to pull away. I knew she never wants to kiss in public but who cares.

"Nathan." She quietly shrieked as I rolled my eyes and pulled away not before giving her a peck on her cheek.

We landed in California because her father wanted to meet her and then we would go to Maldives. I booked an apartment with two bedrooms because her father wants to stay for a day and I couldn't refuse. It was afternoon and I was really hungry we both got ourselves some breakfast and headed straight to the apartment. Although we weren't tired but took a little nap and then we decided to watch a movie since her dad would be showing up at evening.

We cuddled and watched the movie when we heard the knocking on the front door. Sean wasn’t supposed to be here, not until an hour.

“Go inside the bedroom,” I ordered Janet and she compelled without question. When I checked the peep hole, I saw a rugged looking lady. I choose to open the door and the woman turned to face me up.

"Yes, May I help you?" I asked her as she stared at me. Do I know this lady, kind of looks familiar?

"Nathan? You look so grown." She spoke, her voice gentle and warm.

"Do I know you?" I questioned as it was starting to get weird.

"I am Riley Robert, Janet’s mother." My ear couldn't believe it. I know this lady. She used to visit us a lot of time when I was nine years old.

"Glad to meet you Ma’am. Come on in, I will call Janet." When I went to fetch Janet, I didn't know what to say to her. According to Janet, she hasn't met her mother since she was nine because she was kidnapped. And the way Mrs. Robert was dressed, she looked like she hasn’t lived the best life.

"Janet?" I called her as she turned to face me with her cheeks growing a little rosy. What is going to happen? I really don't understand how she found us, but I am glad she did.

"Yes?" She spoke breaking me out of my thoughts.

"There is someone who wants to meet you." She narrowed her eyes at me as a look of confusion took over her features.

"Me?" She asked pointed her index finger to herself as I nodded. She walked towards me as I gestured her to walk in front of me. She kept looking back at me, giving me the curious look. When we entered the living room, her mother stood up from the couch and stared at Janet walking towards her. Janet halted once she saw her and I stood at the side. Janet eyes sparkled with tears as a smile grew on her face, the biggest one I have ever seen.

"Mom?" She exclaimed as Mrs. Robert held her arms wide and Janet ran to her as they hugged each other while Janet broke down in tears, her sobs got louder as they both sat down on the couch. Mrs. Robert kissed her daughter on her forehead as she held her tears in. The mother and daughter finally together after 12 years.

I took my leave to the kitchen to make some tea for them. Janet did teach me how to make it.

How could Sean even believe that his own wife would do something like this. Did he not trust her?

"Ho- how did you find m- me?" Janet whimpered.

"I saw you in a restaurant. I followed you here. I have been trying to find you for so long, where were you? You have to tell me everything." Mrs. Robert talked swiftly.

"Aunt Sierra took me, she locked me up after that, s- she beat me up. But then she made me marry Nathan and he is being so good to me and I don't live here, we live in New York. I missed you so much, mom! I missed you!" Janet sobbed.

"That’s why I couldn't find you. Sierra is going to regret touching you. I love you my child." Mrs. Robert did sound angry and to be honest, I am going to help her throw that woman in jail. I was done with tea as they both talked a lot. And Janet told her everything when I walked out.

"Nathan, thanks a lot, for everything." Mrs. Robert stared at me adoration and it’s been so long since I see a mother stare at me like that. I nodded my head as I couldn't make myself to talk.

"Can I ask you something, Mrs. Robert?" I spoke as she turned to face me when I sat in the single sofa.

"Yes, you can." She smiled as I took a deep sigh.

"Where are you currently living? I don't mean to be nosy but by the looks of you. You don't look too good." She bowed down as I saw a glimpse of Janet in her. Janet looks like her mother a lot.

"I don't have a home. I- I just roam around the streets and work here and there so I could find Janet." I got up and nodded as I went towards the bedroom. I grabbed my mobile and called one of my friends.

"Hey, can you get me information on Riley Robert. She is Janet’s mother. I want to know everything she has been through in the last 10 years." I spoke to him and hung up once he spoke a 'sure'.

I can't believe this! How could a lady survive like that and in a busy city as California?

Janet and her mother kept talking and I went out to bring some lunch for us. We all ate as time flew by, it was dinner time by now and by any time Sean would be here. To be honest I want him to see this scene. So that he could know the truth about what really going on.

My friend finally called me and said things that made my eyes welled up with tears as I couldn't imagine a mother going through this.

"She was raped and pushed into sex trafficking until she ran away. Now she has nowhere to go. Poor lady has been gone through a lot."

I gulped as I couldn't hear more and she still had that smile on her face, I saw as a child. I think it would be better if Janet doesn't know about this. She wouldn't be able to take it.

I heard a knock on the door as I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. I walked out to get the door. I heard laughs coming from the kitchen and couldn't help but smile, but then frowned as I knew the moment was about to get ruined. I pulled open the door and met a man who was too oblivious to the truth.

"Nathan, how are you boy?" Sean asked me with his face filled with excitement.

"I am good. Janet's in the kitchen." I told him as he took a deep breath and went along his way. I walked behind him and when he entered the kitchen, the laughter stopped. It was all tension as I stood in the corner again.

"Dad?" I am surprised she recognizes him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sean cussed as Janet flinched while Mrs. Robert stood her ground and spoke with her chin up.

"I am here to meet my daughter."
