“Can you really not use your cellphone on planes, or is that something they say for shits and giggles?” Jordan nudges Atlas, trying to get a reaction out of him, but Atlas stares out into the clouds and has been that way since the Darth Vader revelation.
Sauda watches for a minute, but she turns away, deciding to focus on one internal crisis at a time. Malik sits staring at her since she asked him to come over. Maddox sits next to him and Adorna sits at Sauda’s feet looking cute and comfortable wrapped in a bundle of pink velvet throws.
“I’m not going to ask you stupid questions. I know you’re not okay. Losing family is hard and losing him like that is traumatic.” Sauda scoots to the edge of her seat closer to Malik, not knowing exactly how to comfort him. “When things like this happen you either close up or go aggressive, and neither of them is good. I’m not talking about how you’ll affect this mission, I’m talking about you. Your psyche.”