“This is it?”
Everyone stands at the main gate staring at Adrian Bathory’s compound. They all saw the blueprints and the layout of the land, but that still made it all seem bigger than it really was.
“Let’s just hope it’s… ‘bigger on the inside’.” Jordan giggles at his own joke.
There is a thick brown brick wall surrounding the land. But it wasn’t even tall enough to reach Adorna’s chin and damn near Sauda’s chest. They can see into every window of the mansion house and spy the two buildings near the back of the property that served as barracks for the Demon-Casters. Eisen said that the human guards that were employed live off from the base, just in case one of the Demon-Castors feels the need to use their blood for a spell.
Bathory’s house is just that—a house. An anthill compared to Al-Qahira. The house is three stories tall with both east wings and west wings, but small for what they expected Adrian’s hold to be.