The Twins stayed near her but stretched out further, as they, her Father, Adorna and a few others in her personal party rip apart the Demons in front of them, leaving the last bit of their lives for her to suck down with their rage. And as her fighting kept going, the fighting of both sides continued, with demons on the sands of the fighting pit, and shades up in the air.

Sauda keeps walking forward, blood squelching under her feet and spreading hot sand around her. As she gets closer, La Muerte smiles at her.

“Look at you, my little Demon Shade. Sucking the life out of beings. A power you got from me, no less. You are welcome.” La Muerte leans on the rail and looks across the arena before looking back at Sauda. “I’ll forgive you, child. Sit at my side as my… protégé, and I’ll forgive you for stealing some of my powers.”