Chapter Fifteen

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Ron went to open the door and was greeted by a brooding Ludiciel. His long silver hair was packed into a low bun and he was wearing a black and white again.

Ron wondered why they all liked wearing such boring colours. As if there weren't any other type of clothing. Look at him for example. He was wearing deep red clothes, studded with shiny blue jewels. Red! The colour of love. Ron looked dashing. Zedekiel definitely has to be affected.

Rose was no different. Her yellow gown was form fitting and it cascaded down her body in froths of white and pale blue. Her aurburn curls were packed and decorated with white flowers. Ron's confidence was actually shaky.

"Time for breakfast" Ludiciel said.

The siblings followed Ludiciel to the dining hall. Ron was excited to see King Zedekiel again. After admitting he was lost last night, Zedekiel personally took him to his room. On the way, he had chatted about so many things but Zedekiel only gave surface replies. He knew he'd have to work harder to get the King to like him enough to show the side of himself he showed to the disguised him.

The entire royal family were already seated on the dining table, waiting for the Ashenmore siblings. There were four people in total. King Zedekiel, the Queen mother, Prince Ludiciel and Princess Mariel.

Rose seemed nervous while Ron was all smiles, instantly making the awkward atmosphere vanish.

"Ron!" Princess Mariel called, grinning from ear to ear. She looked so radiant in her sky blue dress. Her silver hair was done in a single French braid with a few wisps around her face. Ron sighed. What a beauty.

The way she called him had the entire family raising their brows.

Ron didn't mind at all. After all, he was the one who told her to call him that. "Princess Mariel" he said, smiling. "Good morning. I hope you had a good night"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes. And you?"

Ron's eyes glanced at Zedekiel who was already staring at him. "Same. Same. I had a very good night"

Seeing as Ron didn't take offense, none of the family members pursued the matter.

"Good morning" Ron said to the entire family. Especially the King and the woman sitting at the head of the table. He guessed she was their mother. The Queen mother. "Sorry we're late. Prince Ludiciel didn't inform me that we're having breakfast together. I assure you, it's all his fault"

Ludiciel blanched. He didn't expect Ron to blame him for his own tardiness.

"That's okay. We just arrived. Seat and lets eat" the woman said. Her voice was low and curt. Her silver hair was streaked with grey, pure white skin riddled with wrinkles, showing her old age but she still exuded strength and commanded respect. One glance from those chilling grey eyes could have anyone shaking in the knees.

But Ron wasn't just anyone. He was a Prince who believed that socializing and being friendly with people was a good way to creating strong bonds.

So, he made his way to the empty seat beside the Queen mother while Rose sat on the empty seat beside King Zedekiel. She greeted them with a shy smile to which they both responded.

King Zedekiel looked a bit uncomfortable but he kept his face neutral and started to eat. Ron felt he looked even more handsome today. He was wearing black again. The contrast between his dark clothing and his hair always did things to Ron's heart.

His silver hair cascaded down his chin in waves and those violet eyes had some sort of shine in them. He sighed and took his eyes away before anyone would notice he was ogling his future brother in law.

The Queen was quite surprised when Ron sat beside her. He gave her a warm smile then proceeded to eat. There were so many different kinds of food on the table and the scent had him inwardly salivating. With the way his eyes expressed such joy at the sight of food, one would think he was a pauper who had to struggle day and night for a single morsel. Even the King was amused.

"Ludiciel, where are the twins?" The Queen mother asked.

"Getting dressed. They'll be here soon" Ludiciel grumbled.

Ron's ears perked up at the mention of the word 'twins'. Just how many kids did this mother have?

As if she heard his question, she said; "I have five children. Zedekiel is the first. Ludiciel, the second. Mariel, the third. Tariel, the fourth and Sariel the fifth"

"Tariel and Sariel are the twins" Princess Mariel clarified. "Tariel is fourth because he came out first"

Ron nodded in understanding. "Ah but Queen mother will have to add two more". Everyone was confused. He continued; "Because if everything works out in three months and my sister gets married to King Zedekiel, my sister and I will also be your children"

King Zedekiel almost choked on the bacon he was about to swallow. Ludiciel coughed slightly, Mariel pouted while Rose's mouth hung open.

For the first time that morning, the Queen mother smiled. "In that case, just call me mother. Whether or not they get married, I'm still a mother to you, am I not?"

Ron beamed and nodded. "Yes of course"

Zedekiel and his siblings were shocked. Their mother was usually cold especially to strangers. How could she tell someone she just met to call her 'mother'? What sort of charm did Ron use?

"Good morning everyone!" Two childish voices called out. Ron raised his head to find two identical boys walking into the dining room. Both had silver hair and blue eyes and they also wore the same clothes. Black trousers with white shirts. The looked 13-14 years old.

At that point, he knew he'd have a hard time pointing out who was Tariel and who was Sariel. One them sighted Ron and came up to him. "You! Who are you? Why are you sitting on my chair? Stand up this instant!"

Zedekiel was about to reprimand his brother when Ron spoke; "And who are you? Why are you claiming that this is your chair? I don't see your name anywhere on this chair"

Rose inwardly groaned. She already knew it. Her idiot brother was gonna pick a fight with the boy. Just when will Ron really grow up?

The boy's lips parted in shock. No one has ever spoken to him with such disrespect. The other boy joined them. "What do you mean by who is he? How can you not know him? He's a prince! I'm also a prince and the king is our elder brother!"

Ron looked offended. His cheeks were puffed with food, making him look like a cute kitten. "How can you not know me too? I am also a prince! And your brother is also my brother!"

"Huh? That's a lie! Mother, is he a prince too?"