Chapter 33

Ron smiled brightly. From the corner of his eye, he could see that the King and Rose had already noticed their presence. He side hugged Prince Ludiciel with his good arm. "I am just fine. Can't you see?"

"I'm glad" Prince Ludiciel replied, not taking offence at being touched by Ron. He really liked the beautiful Prince and also felt comfortable around him. "I was worried when you didn't come out for breakfast. I would have paid you a visit earlier but I had to attend court matters and also see to that berry thief's case"

Ron "!!!!"

He had completely forgotten about the berries in chase for his love! Sweat dropped down his forehead. "T-The berry thief?" he stuttered. "I-Is there any progress?". He prayed in his heart that there was none. If Ludiciel should know he was the thief, he would never trust Ron again.

Fortunately for Ron, Prince Ludiciel shook his head and sighed. "No. None of the guards saw his face so we can't draw his potrait. I have no idea what to do now. These days, I don't sleep well because I keep thinking he'll come back"

Prince Ron "...."

He smiled. "You think too much, Prince Ludiciel. The thief hasn't come back since that night right? Just let it go. I'm sure he won't disturb you anymore"

"But what if he does?" Prince Ludiciel asked, not conviced.

'He won't. He really won't'. Ron wanted to cry. He really regretted stealing those berries. He had sworn never to do it again.

"I bet he won't" Ron said, patting his shoulder gently. "Just calm down. If it will make you feel better, you can assign some guards to watch over the berries at night. I even volunteer Leo. He's an excellent bodyguard. He will guard those berries with his life!"

Prince Ludiciel quickly shook his head. "Thank you, Prince Ron. I truly appreciate your kindness but I don't want to trouble you"

"Nonsense! We're future brother in laws. What better way to build a strong bond? Let Leo help. You won't regret it" Ron insisted.

Leo, who was searching for the Prince under the Prince's bed, sneezed. It seemed someone was talking about him...

'What better time to establish a strong bond with Prince Ludiciel than now?' Ron thought. 'I'll be your brother's life partner in the future!'

Prince Ludiciel thought about it for a moment then he agreed. Ron was happy. At least his guilt was alleviated a little. Now, to use Ludiciel to get the King's attention...

He turned, but was shocked to see that the King and Rose had already left. The spot they stood on was completely empty. He wondered, how did they leave so fast?!

"Is something wrong, Prince Ron?" Prince Ludiciel asked, looking concerned. "You look so pale. Is it the arm? Does it hurt? Come, let me escort you back to your chambers so you can rest"

Rest again? Prince Ron was really starting to hate that word. He quickly shook his head. "No no no it's nothing. I'm fine, I feel fine"

"But you don't look so good..."

'That's because the love of my life is with my love rival!' Prince Ron wanted to shout. Instead he took a few steps away. "Don't worry Prince Ludiciel. I'm fine. I'll see you during lunch later"

And he sped off, leaving Prince Ludiciel confused. Ron knew the King and his sister couldn't have gone far. He'd just have to search again.

The King and Princess Rose, who were carefully hidden by some trees, watched Ron leave in the opposite direction.

Princess Rose let out a huge sigh of relief. She knew her brother was quite meddlesome and annoying. He also didn't know how to read a situation. She was very sure that he would have disrupted her time with the King so she tricked the King into hiding within the nearby trees by saying that she felt faint and needed to stay under some shade.

What shade did she need? The sun wasn't even hot! And the weather was quite cool and nice. It was very convenient for a walk!

Of course the King knew her motives but indulged her nonetheless and that was because he also wanted to avoid the cute Prince for the time being.

Zedekiel had thought a lot after going back to his chambers last night. Prince Ron is surely the masked dancer. There was no doubt. His sense of smell was the most heightened in all the Elves because He is the King so he would never mistake that sweet scent. And not to forget the feelings he got from the masked dancer while dancing. They certainly weren't normal but he couldn't fanthom Prince Ron having feelings for him. It was just unbelievable!

In the end, the King came to a conclusion that the Prince used his dance and wish to distract everyone while someone did something in the palace or somewhere else. He believed that Prince Ron had some hidden motive of coming to Netherigde and was already implementing his plans. He needed to interrogate that prisoner as soon as possible.

And then saving Princess Mariel? That was all an act! He did it to win their trust! The Prince must be in cahoots with the prisoner! The knife must have been thrown in a way that would not injure the Prince fatally. Yes. It must have all been a plan.

The King felt he was really fooled. After even cleaning the Prince's injury last night. Prince Ron didn't deserve it. After all the thinking, Zedekiel decided to treat the Princess better and use her love for him, real or not to find out what the Prince wanted to do.

That was precisely why he asked her to go on a walk with him. Now the Prince had suddenly appeared. It couldn't be a coincidence. He felt the Prince had a great plan.

Prince Ron, who was still earnestly searching, didn't know what his beloved was thinking. If he knew, he would probably lock himself in his room and cry.

Ron searched and searched but he couldn't find them. The guards he asked for their whereabouts also had no idea. He stood in one spot with his hands on his hips, thinking, what did he miss?

"Your highness!" he suddenly heard someone shout, startling him out of his thoughts. He raised his head to find one of the 12 servants he called for hide and seek, rushing towards him. The Prince groaned out loud. Why now?