Chapter 69

As the King and Prince walked into the dungeon, the gates were closed behind, making the entire place dark.

Prince Ron's heart jumped and his body tingled with excitement. This was exactly what he wanted.

Two potential lovers, walking side by side in a dark scary dungeon. The wifey, being him, would be too scared to move and he'll stick to the husband, being his beloved, like glue. Seeing his wifey feeling so scared, the husband's protective instincts would kick in and he'll hold the wifey tight, promising to protect him!

Prince Ron laughed with joy in his heart. The second phase could commence immediately!

Normally, the Prince would have been scared in such a dark place but being with his beloved made all the fear vanish. He scooted closer to his beloved then he whispered; "Your Majesty, why is it so dark?"

The King, who had already stretched his hands along the wall, about to light a torch, paused. "Are you afraid of the dark?"