Chapter 79

Prince Ron turned to find Prince Ludiciel watching them with a smile on his face.

The human Prince and his brother looked so adorable. "I was thinking about whether to join you two or not. After all, the food is too much for you two to finish. I may as well eat here." He took a step forward but the immediate chilling glares he received froze him on the spot.

"Who says it's too much? Go eat with everyone else." Prince Ron said, frowning as he waved him off. "Shoo, Shoo."

Zedekiel didn't even need to talk. His warning glare and the barrier stopping Prince Ludiciel from taking any step closer said it all.

Prince Ludiciel couldn't help but laugh. Was this the King who kept saying things about the human Prince in the hidden room? The one whose mind was filled with doubts? He had already seen what he wanted to see. If the Prince wasn't romantically interested in Zedekiel then he would shave his entire head. It was only left for Zedekiel to go in for the kill.