Chapter 128

"I've never seen you lose a fight so badly," Zedekiel said, eyes sweeping over his brother's injuries. "Who was your opponent?"

Prince Ludiciel wanted to speak but then gazed at Prince Ron, wondering why he was there. His eyes fell on their joined hands and he lifted a brow in question.

Prince Ron blushed slightly. He wanted to pull his hand away but Zedekiel held it tight. He then held up their hands and planted a kiss on the back of Prince Ron's hand, right in front of Ludiciel and the Royal Physician.

The Royal Physician quickly bowed deeply. "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Your Highness." He had heard rumours about them from several Officials but he didn't believe them. Now, the truth was right in front of him. Ha! How jealous those Officials would be when he tells them he witnessed the King kiss the human Prince's hand!

"Thank you," Zedekiel answered.