Chapter 169

Prince Ron struggled against the vines with all his might but it was of no use. He couldn't get them off but Fredrick's hand over his mouth had loosened a bit so he opened his mouth and chomped down hard on Frederick's hand.

Fredrick hissed in pain, withdrawing his hand immediately.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Prince Ron spat, hatefully glaring at Fredrick. "Some nerve you have kidnapping me before the Elf King. He's going to kill you!"

Fredrick scoffed. "That's if he can find me first. Do you even have any idea where we are?"

It was then that Prince Ron took in his surroundings. They seemed to be in some sort of wooden building surrounded by large trees. It seemed like a normal study with shelves holding numerous books and a large table and chair in the middle of the room. On the table lay sprawled many scrolls and books. There was even a cat lazily sleeping on the edge.