Chapter 222

Prince Ron wondered what had gotten into his beloved. He was being so touchy. He didn't mind if his beloved did it when they were alone but they were in public! The only people aware of their relationship were Prince Ludiciel and Princess Mariel. He was afraid that the others would find it weird. Especially his sister and the Queen Mother. He wasn't ready for them to find out yet. And even if they were to find out, he didn't want it to be like this!

Zedekiel knew what Prince Ron was thinking and he couldn't help but laugh for Prince Ron didn't know that everyone was already aware of their relationship. He knew that Princess Rose was aware too because Hilda had already informed him of their plan. Anyway, he didn't care because he knew they would not be able to succeed.

If the Princesses managed to lace their drinks with aphrodisiacs, then it would only be beneficial for him and Prince Ron. Although the aphrodisiac would not work on him, it would on Prince Ron.