My mecha prize, your name is Robotic Hero.

My father is the greatest mecha driver in the universe.

My dream is to fly one, and beat my dad.

But because I'm only 10, I can't drive.

So I will do my best, so that one day I will have my

Mecha, and pilot, Him.

I will study a lot and learn how to be a great pilot,


And I will get over my father.

I will study for 6 years, I will be good, and I will learn, how to be the best

Of all.

6 years passed, I studied a lot, I joined the mecha academy.

Called Robotic Universe.

One of the best companies on the 7 planets.

I always endeavored to and learn day and night by studying,


I was, one of the best students in the class.

Everyone called me Nerd, imbecile.

I cried, but I didn't care, I continued to study.

After a lot of classes, theoretical, finally I can

For the first time flying a mecha.

I would face Keita, better students, from school.

I used an A31, and he an Az100.

Everyone makes fun of me, saying that I would get, a

Keita's beating.

Even so I believed, I went.

It was not another I was beaten.

Keita greets me, and says.

- congratulations boy, you have great potential.

I smile and thanked him.

- thank you.

Everyone called me, trash, that I was just good in theory,

In practice I was a shit.

Keita looking at this sent everyone, to, with this.

They continued to make fun of me running away.

And Keita went after me.

And spoke to me, don't care what they say.

He said that it was good, that the class does not see its potential.

And he said he was going to teach me how to fly.

I thank you, him.

- thank you.

We became great friends.

He asked my name, I said.


He said that I had the same name as the legendary Hero.

I told you he was my father.

He was amazed, at the same time very happy.

And he said he would teach, the son of my great idol.

So the next day he taught me, and every day he taught me, during,

6 months.

After finally training, I was fine.

So Keita called me to his home, and said to me

-Look this.

He showed his cartel of robots.

I was amazed.

He told me, if I thought it was beautiful.

I said yes.

He told me to choose one.

Me With tears in my eyes, I said.

- are you serious, snif snif?

He said yes.

So I looked at several, and I chose a blue one, it's white.

He asked me what name will you give him.

I said he would call.

- Robotic Hero.

He said .

-What a great name.

So I got into it and started to pilot it

Suddenly we saw, an explosion.

Boom !!

Me Keita, We went to see what it was, when we arrived,

We saw the school, being attacked by aliens, robots.

Keita told us to help, they.

I was afraid that I wouldn’t make it,

So, he told me that I shouldn't be afraid, that,

When we must save people, we must not have


And he also said.

-that people down there make fun of you,

Show that inside if you exist, a Hero, who

You want to save people, even if they do evil to you!

I was happy with what he said.

And we went to face the alien robots.

So Keita and I went there, we fought, with the

Alien Robots.

And we won them all, the whole school was happy,

But when they saw me leaving the Robot Hero.

They apologized to me.

I accepted the excuses and said that everyone, people make mistakes.

They embraced us.

So Keita and I greet each other, with

A jewel.

After everything is normalized, the classes return to normal,

Something happened.

Keita and I were recruited to be part of the Hero Light Army.

The army that my father built, we both accepted, and we left,

To space, to our new adventure.

End chapter 1