Goltron vs Métron.

The battle has begun, Goltron, has begun to Attack


Metron dodged, of all.

And he started, laughing at Goltron's face,

Calling him slow.

Goltron gave, impact universe !!!

He nailed it, Métron, he celebrates, thinking, that

He had beaten Métron.

When suddenly, Métron emerged from the rubble.

And the light of zorions, at Goltron.

Goltron is thrown hard out of the forest.

It is lying on the floor.

Métron goes towards him and starts to step on Goltron.

Goltron, start, screaming.

So Métron, take your arm, from Goltron,

He starts to scream.

Métron, start, laughing.

-haha ha!!!

He says that Goltron was weak of bad, that he

He had no chance against the emperor.

Goltron says that he would save his city and he

It also says, that he is not alone, the people of his city are

With him.

It is also their new friends.

Goltron says the fight is not over yet.

He gives a spin, hip hop style, drops, Métron.

Métron gets up, quickly, and says.

- how would he go, fight, with only one arm.

Goltron, says that the people of the city, his,

It can, regenerate itself.

He says that it is a technology, created, for combat, that even

They being poor, they kept this technology waiting, it just

He told, to his new friends.

Goltron regenerate.

And He says to Métron.

The fight begins, now.

Goltron begins, his true, robotic art, Style


And it only gives power.

- universe impact !!!

Métron, He started to dodge, from the blows, he says.

- Again with this rubbish of blows.

Goltron spins and says, it's not over yet.

He unleashes a new power.

- subway star !!!!!

Métron's face hits the nail on the head.


Making him into the forest, totally defeated,

And unconscious.

Goltron celebrate, and then falls, and says.

-Good luck friends!

Meanwhile, Thunder and Terra Z, leave for the West Tower,

When suddenly something, attacks both.

They dodge, hit, and look, upward, and see a shadow, mysterious.

Terra Z asks Thunder.

-Who are they!?

Thunder responds.

- I don't know, I just know that

They are dangerous, stay smart.

Terra Z answers Yes, that she. Had noticed!

So the two ask who you were, they answered.

- we are your worst, nightmare!

We are the Zorions brothers.

Thunder and Terra Z, says.

the Zorions brothers !?

Thunder tells them that they must be one of the right arms,


They both say yes!

And they say, that it would end, with both, and jump in

Direction of Thunder and Terra Z.

Thunder Says can come with everything !!

You two.