The past of the animated Kingdom.

O robot rat, who was Mr Rat the former king.

Said he was not the former king, and sent us away

Of the forest.

Traion said again, that he would be gone, so as not to disturb him,


But he told Mr Coelho not to give up on his people and his kingdom.

Mr Coelho was serious.

Traion said goodbye.

-bye let's go.

I do not accept, of leaving, I took Mr. Coelho's arm, I said.

-Agent will not leave here !!

Until I take you to your throne,

As Traion Said don't give up on your


He was startled, and told us to leave again.

I said we weren't going.

Mr Coelho realized that we would not be leaving, he asked to

We enter your home.

That he would tell us his past.

We enter.

Upon entering his home, we saw pictures of when he was king.

After looking at pictures, he told us that a long time ago,

When he was king.

He had a squire, named Ratroun.

Mr Coelho thought that Ratroun was a good person,

That is why she entrusted her kingdom with everything.

One day Ratroun planned a boscada for


The ambush was, to say that the king killed his wife the queen,

To change spouses, and put a stranger in place.

As the queen, she was adored, throughout the Kingdom, for her kindness.

So Ratroun, I kidnap the queen, hiding her somewhere.

He used a person similar to the king to deceive the people of the Kingdom.

So Ratroun showed the people, everyone was indignant,

What they thought the king had done.

So they invaded the castle, the guards took it, and Mr Coelho,

He asked.

-what's going on, why

Are you arresting me ?!

Everyone said where, did you take the queen?

O King knew nothing, he said.

- she's in our room!

Upon arriving there was a stranger, in his bed, the king asks.

- who is this?

Everyone confirmed, what Ratroun said, and takes the king, to

The dungeon, and hold it.

After being arrested the people decide to put the Ratroun as new

King for him, to know everything.

Ratroun accepts and becomes the new king.

After a year, Mr. Coelho decides to flee, take shelter in the

Black forest, there he stayed until today.

He has lived in the black forest for 3 years.

Training and looking for a way to find the queen.

Then He finishes, telling us this story of yours.

Everyone was outraged at what they did with Mr Coelho.

I said I would help the king by kicking Ratroun in the ass.

and all tenths to help the king to return, and to find his wife.

Mr Coelho said, it was very dangerous, for us, why

We would have to face the 4 emperors.

I said that we are not afraid, we face, who


The danger doesn't matter.

Everyone agreed.

Mr Coelho smiled and started to cry saying.

- thank you very much, young people !!

So he said we could stay, there in his

Home today.

That tomorrow, we would invade the Kingdom, at night.

We are grateful, so the next day at 10 pm, Mr Coelho planned.

That he and the girls would look for the queen.

While we men would go, invade the castle, defeat

The 4 Emperors, is the king.

We all agreed.

I told Mr. Coelho.

Mr Coelho can I tell you something ?!

O said I could.

I asked him.

- does the Lord poop?

Angry Mr. Coelho hit my head.

Toff !!

He called me an idiot, and said.

- I thought it was something serious !!!!

Everyone started laughing.

So we set out for the castle, to destroy the new

King, and find and save the queen.

End of chapter 15