Cyber thunder asks what their name was.
They answered.
_eu or con!
_and I'm voron!
Cyber thunder is excited to know the name
Of the people he would defeat.
The battle begins.
The brothers use their black and white blade attack.
Cyber thunder dodges the blow.
Ciber says.
_ is that your blows.
What cyber thunder didn't know is that the coup of the two,
It was like a boomerang.
Always returned.
Then cyber hit the coast.
Tofff !!!!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Cyber falls to the ground
Toff !!
The brothers laugh, cyber and. Say it.
There, there, there, ha !!!
Do not trust the brothers co, vron, we are
The warriors but strong of the king!
Cyber also starts to laugh.
The brothers ask why he is laughing.
Ciber says that this blow didn't even hurt.
The enraged brothers say.
As well, it didn't hurt !!!!
I'll show you two what it is
The. Brother are more irritated, still. And they struck again.
_ laminates black and white !!!!!
Ciber deviates again, from their power, but he
Smart knowing that the power would return.
He turns, and lets out a ray of light through his fingers.
Trum !!!!!
He hits the nail on the head.
The brothers are left, amazed by the good aim of cyber thunder.
And says.
_Verme damn!
So and they use more of them against, cyber Thunder.
And cyber deflects and attacks her lightning.
Tired of just dividing and releasing their power but weak, cyber,
Use your stroke more. Strong.
_Thunder Bolt !!!
The blow hits the brothers chrio
That are hurled away.
Vrum !!!
Pufff !!!
Ciber runs towards them and strikes, various, blows.
The brothers lose consciousness, and then, cyber wins, the
And celebrate.
_Yes, beauty I won !!!
Cyber, meet other friends, and together
From the king go to the meeting, From Robot Hero, cyber Girl to queen,
To defeat the current king and return to his throne.
Meanwhile the three arrive, the king ratron's door.
Robot Hero kicks the door.
Tofff !!!!
_ now it's my turn to defeat you, and save the
Kingdom your old, shower mouse.
End of chapter 24