After we left the Kingdom excited, we walked in the desert for hours.
We were tired, from walking so much, the gears of our locks,
It was wearing out.
To prevent damage, we decided to camp in a cool place.
And we fix ours, wick.
Me and Thunder Ciber got out of our way, mecha.
Betty bootron, and her friends got scared, for knowing
That we were human.
She asked, were we all human?
I answered.
No, just me Thunder Ciber, Ciber Girl, and terra Z!
She asked for our real name.
We talked.
My name is Hero.
- and my name is Keita.
- I'm Luci.
- and my name is Moon
She was overwhelmed, in knowing that agent was human, and
To know that there were humans on this planet.
She thought human beings were evil, and she just wanted power.
I talked.
- we thought the same thing about this planet,
And we are both wrong, that not all
Humans are evil, and not all aliens
They're bad, I realized it in you, in your friends and in the king and queen
From your kingdom, and at Goltron.
She smile is says.
-It is true!
After we repaired our locks, we came back in
In it, so that no one would see us.
Then we rested, in the desert, to go on the next day.
When we were resting, we were attacking.
We asked, who was this guy.
One of Betty bootron's friends replied.
- they are desert thieves, they steal, technology
To sell, in Vila azul.
I asked what blue village was
Betty bootron we said.
- which is a place, which is after this
Desert, there is the place of thieves, scammers,
And evil people!
Cyber Girl, ask.
-we have to go through
This village to go to, Fairyland?
- Yes!
I replied Betty bootron.
I talked.
- they are coming, get smart!
- Yes!!!
Everyone said.
They came with everything for us to steal, but he didn't count,
With our strength.
We knock them down with one stroke.
Bum !!!
They ran out of fear.
And we can rest, in peace, the next day we leave for Vila Azul.
After hours of travel, we finally arrived, the blue village.
I asked.
-Is this the Blue Village?
- Yes!
Betty bootron replied.
I said, what an interesting place, I want to visit but,
Come on friends.
- Yes!
Robot Hero.
Meanwhile the thieves, who attacked us, spoke to
Their boss what happened.
He said, he wanted us to meet.
One of your henchmen heard, what agent would come
To the village.
Their boss said.
- good, I'm going to slaughter them !!
Why did my gang do it.
End Chap 27