Pantron introduces himself to us, and agent, Ciber Girl thanks, and speaks
Who wants to know the Kingdom of fairies.
He then guides us to the fairy kingdom.
He show us, every part of the fairy kingdom.
-there is the home of the white princess of nevetron,
And there from the cindelera tron.
- cool!
I said.
So he was teaching us more about the Kingdom.
Cyber girl asks
- how many princesses are there in that kingdom?
- there are 5!
Terra Z asks, what was the name of the princesses.
Pan says.
Nevetron White, Princess of the East!
Cinderella tron princess of the west!
Jasmi Princess of the North!
And Rapunzen, princess of the south!
The fifth princess of the main castle is unknown!
I only know that your father is called OZ.
Terra Z asks why the castle, main nobody knows of
No princess.
Pan replies, that it is a forbidden place to enter, no one from
Kingdom knows why.
I talked, between us, without the pantron listening.
- is the bad person in this kingdom Oz ?.
- we don't know we have to investigate!
Goltron said.
Pantron said that, agent was talking, we answered.
- nothing no.
So we were met, but the Kingdom.
Suddenly a person calls pan.
-i pantron,
We need to help!
It's you, what happened !?
She said the land of never is being attacked.
Pantron asks.
by whom?
Captain Gachuon!
It says sinitron.
Pantron is concerned, he tells the agent that he has to go.
Agent asked if he wanted help.
He said it was very dangerous, and he sends an agent to take advantage of it in the Kingdom.
I talked.
- that we are not afraid of danger, we will
To help you!!!
Pantron thanks you.
- thanks, so let's go.
We all went with him, upon reaching Neverland, Ganchoutron.
He was attacking with cannonballs, is one of his henchmen, they were
Invaded the land of never.
Pantron calls his companion, to hide, while he solves this.
They all went into hiding, and pan ordered us to fight the henchmen of the
Everyone said yes!
He asked for me is the Thunder Ciber,
Go with him.
We told.
So we headed for the ship, Ganchoutron, and when we got there.
Agent broke into the ship, and the pantron said.
-go out of here Ganchoutron,
This is ours, home not yours,
Get out before things get
Worse for you!
-pantron is you, finally
You showed up, who are they,
Your new friends !?
Pantron said it was none of his business, who was an agent.
Ganchoutron said.
-Since you called friends, I'll call you too, my friends,
Jafaron, and escartron, to fight to be fair!
- It's fine with me, we beat you!
It can come with everything.
Thunder Ciber and I said the same thing.
- You can come with everything !!!
End cap: 30.