It was full of guards, spreading across the Kingdom.
The guards ask, for the scarecrow?
- who are these people, who are with you, scarecrow !?
- They are my friends!
The guards laughed.
Haha ha!!!!
-Let me guess, an idiot like you
Do you want to talk to the Princess to ask for the
I celebrate for you and your village!
- you are a scarecrow idiot.
The scarecrow started to cry.
Sniff, snif !!!
Seeing him sad, I punched the guards.
They fell.
Tofff !!!
The scarecrows and Dorothy stayed, eyes wide.
One of the guards who managed to get up, called the
Other guys, bravo.
- hey guards !!!!
Take the scarecrow and a
Blue and white robot, and arrest them.
Angry scarecrows and Dorothy said.
- You fool!!!!
Why did you do that.
- why I hate it, seeing people mistreat,
My friends!
The Scarecrow was very happy, and said.
- let's run from here and hide,
And find another plan to find the princess