The scape.
Agent was trapped, in place in the highest place of the castle, in a Tower, which was impossible
Going out, using brute force, only with very strong mana, we could go out
This place.
the scarecrow angry at what happened.
-Bunch of traitors, bunch of snakes!
While me and Dorothy were calm.
Dorothy and I were investigating what the Prince gave us.
It looked like a key, at the same time it looked like a wand.
Dorothy spoke.
What will this be Hero?
- I don't know Dorothy, but I feel that
It will be a great help for us to get out of here!
The scarecrow said, angry because you are saying that this will be
Of great help to us robot Hero?!
- I already said calm down you'll find out.
I started to study but the key, I saw a number on the key that
It looked like a wand.
The number was 5025.
I told Dorothy, go to that computer that
It was to my left.
She responded okay.
I had her call him, and she did.