The Princess, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, began to fight.
It was very Kaiju, they weren't handling it.
- Damn they are very Kaiju, princesses!
Said the scarecrow.
The princess said it doesn't matter, they would have to
Win because I was defeated.
The angry scarecrow spoke.
-Why did this idiot go face it,
the boss, right away!
- Calm Scarecrow.
Said the princess.
The tin man, replied the scarecrow.
- It's no use stressing, scarecrow they
It had surrounded us, we would have to fight,
If we want to move on, it's not princess!
- yes, tin man.
The scarecrow thought, and said that what the tin man said was true.
- then let's fight!
Said the tin man.
- Yes!
The scarecrow and the princess replied.
The leader of the Kaijus spoke to his companions.
- that's the princess, get her!
- Yes!
They went towards the princess to capture her.
The princess was scared.
the scarecrow noticed,