Witchatron in the land of the dwarves.

Cyber Girl is knocked out after receiving two discharges.

Witchatron starts laughing, and decides to go to the dwarf village, to give

A lesson in them and also finding Dorothy.

-I will destroy,

These dwarfs, for having

Betrayed me, and then I will

After Dorothy, and finish

With her.

So she takes her broom and goes to the dwarf village.

Upon arriving there, the dwarves look to the sky and see the witch arriving.

-Strange, I

I thought that Cyber

girl had gone after,

From the witchtron of the west!


Is it over there....

All the dwarves were desperate, because they thought Cyber Girl would defeat,

The Witchatron from the west.

They all started screaming.


-The Bruxatron, must have discovered, that

Agent betrayed her, and came to kill us!

They started to run, to hide, more, the witch said.

-It's no use hiding yours,

Traitors, I will end, with

You, you Traitors!