Pantron arrives at his destination, there he finds the gachutron tower.
In it are the pirates of the gachutron, protecting the Tower.
Pantron is watching from afar, up in a tree in the forest.
- there are a lot of pirates,
I'll have to pass,
For them to be able
Face the gachutron!
He tries to pass the pirates without them noticing, flying through the skies, at a distance
That they can't see.
- I'm very self,
If I do it right, I can
Land on top of tower
Without, that they notice,
And Face the gachutron!
He does that, he gets to the top of the tower.
-Finally I got it!
He sees the gachutron, annoyed talking, to one of his pirates.
- damn it!
I couldn't get that
Damn Dorothy, because of those
Brats, who messed me up, Jafaron and escatron!
Pantron observe everything that the gachutron said was waiting for the time
All right, for the pirates who were the gachutron to come out, and he attack the gachutron.