The intruder

It was odd how this lady gave out exclusive information, but her layers of confidence helped yield sense; she was simply certain that Steve would die.

And to embrace that exact goal, her arm reached out towards the good man's chest.

The dagger on her hand could not be used for any holy purposes either, no. She wanted to slice through the frogezoid's chest, and rip his heart out!

Such a result surely wouldn't be kinky, so the captive roughly wiggled, in order to buy himself a bit more time.

Yet it still proved to be a futile attempt. Simply because the chain that the kidnapper has thrown across his belly, was quite enough to hold him down for good!

And since efforts of that manner were useless now, he had to come up with another idea. Either that, or he could die on this woman's palms.

With desperation running rampant, the kidnapped man managed to yield an idea out of his current train of thoughts.

And this idea had the name 'treasure' put up as a title. He understood that this evil-doer aimed to obtain some ancient relics; in other words, some priceless treasure.

Such a detail had stuck on Steve's head for a while. And now, those same layers of thoughts aided to set a foundation, for a plausible plan!

He wiggled just a bit more for the sake of avoiding the dagger's tip, and then revealed an attractive offer.

Which was uttered with a partially loud tone, "You want powerful stuff? I can get you the flaming crown!"

Right after, the enemy's face curled thanks to confusion and a firm base of disbelief. If one looked deep enough, they would notice that she was also irritated; but managed to hide such an emotion with enough effort.

But such an offer still proved too alluring, it could not be ignored whatsoever. So she took a step back and wanted to let this topic unravel a little bit.

And first-things-first she had to point out, "That's the most interesting offer that a desperate man has given me."

Afterwards she had to question, "But do you think that I eat hay? How would a low-life criminal like you, even know about the crown?"

"Because someone else wants it more than you do," He instantly stated after.

Unapologetically, everything about this offer was a firm lie... but it still worked like a charm. For example, that silver dagger was a few feet away from his chest now, and that was all that mattered.

But as if scepticism was her middle name, the other mocked. "Let me guess, some royal jackass wants that crown?"

Steve noticed that the latter would never believe him, if royalty was included in this swiftly built up lie. Perhaps the thought lacked creativity? Regardless, the prior idea required some refurbishing.

So with the aid of a few swift thoughts, he stated. "The crown-hunter works with royalty, but he wants to get more power. I think you can understand why?"

After that point, the same woman's face attained a deeper perplexity of irritation. It was easy to see that she was mad, and was ready to unleash that anger!

Steve feared that she might have figured out his hastily built up lie, the thought of it was terrifying alone.

But thankfully, her anger had other influences. "Gold-lust, of course! What else would a dumb castle man want from relics?"

Her layer of anger was a seal of approval, that this plan proved at least slightly effective.

But the frogezoid wasn't allowed to heed a sigh of relief, no. Simply because at that moment, a horror coated scream reverberated across the room!

"Where's all that screaming coming from?" Steve was quick to question.

The shout itself could shake the soul of anyone present, but yet this kidnapper simply remained unbothered...

And with that same reaction, she encouraged. "Don't worry about it."

Shortly after she managed to embrace the prior topic, "What else did this man say about the crown?"

Afterwards she asked an even better question, "Why did he make a deal with you, when there are a lot of smarter people he could hire?"

"Other people asked him for ten times more gold, even a castle guy doesn't have that many coins." He specified at a rather slow pace.

Confidence was one thing that he wanted to grasp at the moment. If he started screaming out fake information, the lies would sound unbelievable.

And with that same strut of competence, he finally pitched. "I don't want any gold. If you let me go, I can tell you something very important about the crown."

The latter scanned the frogezoid's face, and tried to unearth any hint of lies out of it. Anyone could claim that they knew where the flaming crown was, but how many of them told the truth?

"What do you know?" The naked woman finally asked, after failing to figure out any lies.

With an emotionless face, Steve answered. "I know something that could help you find the crown."

"Again, what do you know?" She had to pressure.

With quite a bit of caution, Steve began using the leverage point to his further advantage. This opportunity could not go in vain.

Which was why he firstly reminded, "If I tell you that now, you wouldn't have a reason to keep me alive."

With a soft smile across her plumpy lips, she decided to express. "Sure I have reasons to keep you alive. If not for anything else, you could be a great boy-toy."

After returning the smile, he questioned. "Do you think that I eat hay?"

The latter noticed that this captive was winning too much, which made this menacing lady develop quite a bit of irritance. And she didn't shy away from expressing it this time.

In an attempt to assert dominance, she lightly yelled. "You can't make a deal with me twig-boy! Tell me now, and I'll decide if your words are worth more than your life."

Before such a clear and direct threat could have been comprehended, they heard another shout like the one from before; erupting across the room!

Steve was close to pissing on the plank he was laid over, as such a scream had an underline that was just too heavy!

This time however, the two frogs were given a great preview of who screamed to their heart's content.

Because at the edge of the room, stood a male figure of some sort. His body was green and almost transparent.

But that coloration was so thick and texture filled, that it didn't quite allow anyone to see through his body.

Introductions aside, it was no secret that this scene developed beyond any average individual's comprehension.

Steve's eyes locked with this new arrival, and he stuttered. "What is that?"

Finally, the kidnapper turned around to face this weird entity, and instantly hollered a few words. The only difference here was that this twisted woman didn't carry fear!

Instead, she unapologetically shouted. "A soul, again? Get out of my house you ugly bastard!"