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I'm trying to get myself busy when my Mom went to my office.

"Do you know anything about this?" Mommy retorted as she threw a newspaper at me.

I took that and looked. It's a news saying that Sam's company is taking Bree as their new face for their traveling agency's latest campaign.

"What about this?" I asked innocently.

"Don't make me a fool, Sebastian! Did you ask Sam to do this for you? Why? To get close to that woman?" She retorted.

"Mom, I don't have anything to do with Sam's family business. They are the ones who decided to choose her as their new face. I can't do anything about that." I said calmly.

“But why didn’t you tried to stop them?! Tell me, do you still like that girl?! I thought you already love Sam? Is she the reason why you went back here?! Tell me, Sebastian! Tell me!!!” My mom growled.