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"Nice shot Aubree. Okay, last pose!" Photographer Mike said while smiling.

I'm here at the Inarez Studio. We have a photoshoot today for Sam's traveling Agency Campaign. After this, we will also shoot the TVC.

And since it was the last pose, I gave my 200%.

"Great! Good job, Aubree!" Mike said.

After that, the other staff immediately started to leave the place. At the same time, the creative team and I reviewed the shots taken earlier.

"Great job Mike and Aubree."

They constantly praised Mike and me for our shots.

"I owe it to Mike. He's really great." I said.

Mike is a well-known Photographer not only in the Philippines but also in Europe. But even though I expected those shots to be beautiful, I still couldn't help but be amazed by those beautiful shots.

On my part, I listen to him, and I feel like my actions are too simple to produce an excellent shot. I must say that it was Mike who did a good job.