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Gavin's POV

My mom couldn't stop introducing Bree to our family, friends, and some investors.

She can't help herself from telling everyone how proud she is for both of us. Add to that was her dream for us to get married.

I can see Bree's disbelief from all the good words she heard from my mom. She's not used to this thing. She never experiences it from Mrs. Dela Rama.

I clenched my jaw when I remember how Mrs. Dela Rama tried to insult Bree in front of us.

I am very grateful that my mom defended Bree.

While that Seb did nothing at all. It was as if his tongue had suddenly been cut off, and he could not speak.

Is that how she protects Bree? As time goes by, I saw how underserving he is for Bree. He will only hurt her. And I will never let that happen.

I said goodbye to them first to get something to drink.

Suddenly I bumped into Seb.

"Thanks for protecting Bree earlier." He said.