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Until now, I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

He still loves me.

And he's right. I love him too.

I don’t know, but right now, I feel so complete.

I know that this will not be easy. I love Seb, and I knew that I could never unlove him. He became a big part of my life, and I have no plans to throw that away.

It's not yet happening, but I am feeling hurt for him. I know that he genuinely loves me. I don’t want to break his heart. But I know that I will hurt him more if we continue our relationship.

Now I wish it was true that Seb and Sam will get married because they really love each other and Seb already forgotten his love for me.

I will only be hurt once; unlike now, many people are hurting because of this situation.

But I know all of this has a reason why it happened. I hope that everything will be alright.


Like in previous months, I have become busier now, not only in photoshoots and runways but also in company events.