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My three days work leave is over. I know that those three days are not enough to absorb everything that happened to me.

Before, I was waiting for Seb to return to my life. Now it happened, but another problem appears; my heart now is longing for someone else.

And it's none other than Gavin.

But maybe I should accept my destiny. If I had loved Seb so much back then, perhaps that love will be able to come back again.

I also don't want complications. Everything is fine now. I'm okay with Seb's family, no one is hindering my relationship with him, and I’m doing great with my career too.

But I know that no matter how many times I convince myself, I know it will be hard for me to teach my heart who I should love.

But I need to make my heart follow me, especially now that I will do a presentation to the board and Gavin.

I'm not ready yet, but I have to. I can’t let my issue with Gavin affect this project.
